Hold the phone! Change in plans. He decided to nix the overhangs fire protection since embers end up there and start fires. Also increased the roof pitch. The floor plan stays the same. I left the windows and door in place except for the new entry design. I know some people prefer the 50s ranch look but what the client wants the client gets.
A few houses in the general neighborhood area survived but the rest is burned down and almost looks flattened. A lot of the old house had those wide overhangs. Some with exposed rafter tails. A fire rated soffit board could help. Roof vents are another access point for embers. I assume we'll be seeing a lot of houses being rebuilt without overhangs.
He also said he wasn't an Alfa-Romeo guy.
Gus Robatto Malibu House-A.jpg
Gus Robatto Malibu House-B.jpg