⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below Download
  • Error with Joint Push Pull

    Solved Plugins
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    @fredo6 Thanks a lot for the fast reply and solution. Just installed the update and tested it. It works! Up and running again.
  • Problema na instalação ERROR_A04

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    @gna-young What was your solution ? [for other members who might have similar issues]
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    Rich O BrienR
    Go to https://sketchucation.com/webshop/my-licences.php Sometimes our mails can end up in Spam. If you can't locate it or it's not at https://sketchucation.com/webshop/my-licences.php then send us a mail support@sketchucation.com with your Transaction ID and we'll look it up. PayPal can place payments in a pending state if banks don't fulfil the transaction.
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    Thank you
  • Lab license

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    Rich O BrienR
    Is this related to SUbD? If so go to... https://evilsoftwareempire.com/subd
  • My registered plugins

    Extensions & Applications Discussions
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    @ntxdave said: My next issue will be the licensing of my Fredo6 plugins. I had received a set of emails with the license info but my laptop had died and I could only access it on my iPad since my laptop had died. Just another challenge when I do get a new machine. When you have your new machine your emails should be available on it, if you set it up to receive them. Then just add the license files to an appropriate folder and access them from there. Or download them to your ipad and email them to yourself when you need them, or pop them into an icloud location, I could go on.
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    Hi Rich; thanks for your hint. But it does not run like your suggest. The triangles cannot be moved. At least on my surface. They light up red yes; but cannot be moved. I suspect I have somewhere else unintentionally changed a parameter in the main settings. Because I have already created several animations with clips that do not have such a timeline bar because the length of the clip is selected via the "duration" function. ![on this picture you can see within the main timeline the clip called "erste palette"](/uploads/imported_attachments/oGPS_1.PNG "on this picture you can see within the main timeline the clip called "erste palette"") ![here you can see the opened clip "erste palette" there is not this white line with the triangles](/uploads/imported_attachments/HenH_2.PNG "here you can see the opened clip "erste palette" there is not this white line with the triangles")
  • 0 Votes
    18 Posts
    @ezyuzin I know this may be redundant, but is there still a way to buy this plugin even tho you no longer support it?
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    Bryan KB
    @box said: Make sure you have correctly updated each scenes style and updated any styles themselves. Perhaps you have turned off the warning message about styles having changed so something is being updated incorrectly. I did. And the scenes stay updated until I try to create an animation. Then all style changes revert back to default template. It's quite strange.
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  • Upscayl

    Extensions & Applications Discussions
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    @rich o brien said: Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler for Linux, MacOS and Windows https://github.com/upscayl/upscayl You can find the relevent installer for you OS here... https://github.com/upscayl/upscayl/releases/tag/v1.2.0 For photo upscaling it does a good job considering... [image: SG6zNZ0.png] It can wash away detail somewhat but if you're in a pickle and need a quick render upscaled this is useful. I need crypto platform.
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    36 Posts
    @quillpro said in FFmpeg: Instructions for download and Install: It does not appear in the Control Panel nor does it ask for permission. I was able to fix the issue by using the macOS terminal to make FFmpeg executable. shell ~ % ls -lU /Applications/ffmpeg -rw-rw-r--@ 1 username staff 78461292 Aug 31 2020 /Applications/ffmpeg shell ~ % chmod u=rwx /Applications/ffmpeg shell ~ % ls -lU /Applications/ffmpeg -rwxrw-r--@ 1 username staff 78461292 Aug 31 2020 /Applications/ffmpeg The Generation of Video interface is still buggy but it does now generate the video files. Hi all, New user but have been enjoying the helpful information found here! I too have been having a couple struggles getting the great ANIMATOR app from Fredo6 to generate a video file on my MacBook Pro. I did see that in the automatically generated folder "Animator Videos" a sting of individual images but also a .txt file that stated "permission denied". I thought it sounded like I should try the solution from quillpro to let the Mac OS open and run the file. I think quillpro is most likely better at command line instructions than me - but I couldn't get his Command Lines to work for me. What I found online and did the trick for me was the following: To change permissions in Terminal, do the following: Type this command followed by a space: chmod 755. Drag the file "ffmpeg" into the Terminal window. Press Return. Permissions for the file or folder will be changed to read, write, and execute. When I did this, the icon for ffmpeg changed from a white piece of paper with the top right corner folded over to a black colored icon with the words "exec" in green written on it. I haven't tried all the different available formats but it made a .mov file that played in QuickTime with no problems. Hopefully this helps someone!
  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Thanks for the continuing great work, providing improvements to SketchUp! I would not personally need this ability but it looks like a great one for city projects!
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    21 Posts
    @pawelludwa said: Can I save each frame as a scene in Sketchup ? How to take each frame seperately to actually create scenes from them ? This is not possible with the current version of Animator. Anyway, it would create potentially hundreds of scenes.
  • [Tips] Animator Tips and Tricks

    Animator Beta
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    Hi there! When dealing with kinematics, it's very useful to be able to graphically manage speeds instead of positions (slope of positions law) I see that a lot of non-linear laws are availables during a movement, but as far I understand, it's only useful between 2 keyframes. When dealing with more keyframes within a same general movement, I didn't manage to have some smooth transitions... Here is a simple case: Let's say we want to animate a car, constant speed (100km/h) between KF#1 and KF#2. Then it decelerates between KF#2 and KF#3 so that it reaches another constant speed (50km/h) from KF#3 up to KF#4. I didn't manage smooth transitions without generating some weird stuff... Is there some kind of tricks using available non-linear laws? Thanks!
  • Welcome to Animator Beta Testers

    Animator Beta
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    @rich o brien said: I spend some time looking at those .animator file to see if we can implement them into animated browser embeds. Also I was hoping those files could some be imported into larger scenes to animation to objects. The .animator file is purely technical, in case something happen to the model. I was thinking also to have an animation specification file, that would be easier to build and in clear language to specify an animation by the sequences and time line (like "Object1 3.0 4.2 Rotate 90 (1, 0, 0)" for a rotation of 90 degrees around the X axi, starting at 3s and for a duration of 4.2s, applied to Object1. Not sure however if this would be useful and what we could do with it. Somehow, there is a concept of parametric composed animation, which could probably be make more generic with this approach. Fredo
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    New Release: Animator - v4.2a - 28 Feb 25 Requirement: LibFredo6 v15.1a Animator 4.2a is a major release for: improvements of Video Generation some bug fixing You can now interrupt a video generation to finish it later. Simarly, if the video generation is interrupted by a crash (or freeze) of Sketchup or the rendering software, you can resume the video generation from the last frames processed. No need to generate all frames again. See this video for more details. https://youtu.be/wGuccS_9LMU See plugin home page of Animator for Download of RBZ from the PluginStore. See Main Post of the Animator thread for more information.
  • Lighting with high ceilling - vray render

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    As a matter of fact, our eyes (mind) works differently from photos or computers. i.e light attenuation is based on inverse square ratio, but when one adjusts them in this way will find it more like what a camera captures and not what our eyes captures. So I've experienced that it will give a better result if adjust the attenuation as "inverse". the result will be more smooth and less contrast ,a better solution for interiors. and do not neglect some fake lighting using rectangular lights, here and there ... .