Version 3.9.1 - 02.23.2025
Added the following (48 - low poly) Simpson post caps to the post module: CC1210, CC718_718, CC718_8, CC718_6, CC718_4, CC514_8, CC514_6, CC514_4, CC462_550, CC462_462, CC462_362, CC314_6, CC314_4, CC128, CC126, CC106, CC98, CC96, CC94, CC88, CC86, CC84, CC78, CC77, CC76, CC74, CC68, CC66, CC64, CC48, CC46, CC44, CC6_718, CCO4, CCO6, CCO7, CCO8, CCO9, CCO10, CCO12, CCO46, CCO314, CCO462, CCO514, CCO718, ECC64, ECC66, ECC68.
[image: 1740379321497-wall_su957_800.jpg]
[image: 1740379321513-wall_su958_800.jpg]
This update per customer request.
I still need to add in the rest of the ECC series, so there is always more to do.