A hook on a pulley for some sort of crane or something. Based on dimensions given in an old, undated book from Spain of technical drawing exercises.

Best posts made by Dave R
Hook on a Pulley
A Recent 3D Printing Project
This is a heel strap for a wheelchair to prevent the user's feet from sliding off the foot plate. It's designed to install easily with no tools required except scissors to trim the strap to length. The clips with snap on covers are 3D printed to fit off the shelf polyurethane toothed belting.
From the SketchUp model.
Partially assembled.
Temporarily installed on a chair. Ignore the dog hair.
Vintage Look
Experimenting with creating a vintage illustration style for my SketchUp models. The flywheel is based on dimensioned drawings in a textbook from 1897.
Another Machinist's Model of a Steam Engine.
This one is called Lady Stephanie. I don't know who the real Lady Stephanie was but if she was anything like this engine, I'm guessing she was kind of ornery and hard to please.
RE: Another Machinist's Model of a Steam Engine.
After putting her aside I did another engine today. This is a a little crankless engine.
"Watt" Micrometer
A model of what is probably the first micrometer ever made. It's dated England about 1776 and attributed to James Watt although evidence shows it likely wasn't made by him.
A larger version of this image is available here.All the screws are made and holes threaded. 28 component definitions, all solids.
RE: Another Machinist's Model of a Steam Engine.
Funny guys!
And here's another one. A little 4-cylinder oscillating engine. As usual, all base level components are solids.
Steam Engine Machinist's Model
A machinist's model of a twin cylinder steam engine designed by Joseph Bernays in the 1870's. The original was displayed in Paris at the Universal Exposition of 1878.
Latest posts made by Dave R
RE: 3D warehouse "load blocked"
@Gus-R like this?
I had an issue some months ago where Instagram appeared as a white screen. After signing out of it I cleared everything to do with it from my computer. Then I was able to get back into the site and see content.
RE: [Plugin] 3D Text Editor
@atelierpaar it works fine in SketchUp 2025 for me. As TIG implies, the 3D text needs to have been created with this extension in order to be editable. Also make sure you have the current version of TT_Lib2 installed. It is required by this extension.
This is done in SketchUp 2025.
RE: Single license SU on two computers
The only legit license for SketchUp is a subscription and has been for a few years. To activate SketchUp you would enter the email address and password you used when you purchased the subscription. You should be able to do that for two activations. That could be on two different machines or two different versions of SketchUp on the same machine.
Presuming you've installed SketchUp 2025 on your PC, what happens when you start it and enter your email address and password?
There isn't a free version of SketchUp for desktop and hasn't been since 2018. There's a 7-day trial but you shouldn't need to use that. Just enter your subscription credentials.
RE: [Plugin] Pic2Shape - v1.1a - 20 Mar 25 (Image Contouring)
Very cool! Thank you sir!
RE: Another Machinist's Model of a Steam Engine.
Here's another little one. It's about the same size as the previous one.