There's a wealth of built-in inference/snaps and modifier-keys too.
BUT these are not 'scriptable' or editable.
Shortcut keys to common tools are very powerful and in many ways better thanA CAD - in SUp a single 'L' >>> Line, versus 'L+space/enter' for ACAD or 'LL' for Revit.
You need to practice using them in varying circumstances - ans get to understand that SUp is not ACAD - it's different, and more suited to 3d modeling work.
The pulled out direction line is colored RGB if on axis and holding Shift locks it, or the arrow keys pre-lock directionality to the axes.
A magenta line is parallel or perpendicular to a line over which you have just hovered.
An arc/circle center is the snap if you have just hovered over one.
Picked points assume vertex, on-edge, edge-middle etc depending what's under the cursor.
Modifier keys used with other tools change them to copy [M+Ctrl or R+Ctrl]; auto-fold [M+alt]; or hide lines [E+shift] or soften [E+Ctrl] etc etc...