Hi folks.
I dont see this behavior of "Follow me" as a bug. This is to be expected since, when "Follow me" goes from one segment to the next, it must rotate the profile as it goes.
If the direction change imply a rotation around only one axis, the profile will be reoriented around only this axis. Good for now.
If the direction change is done around two axis at the same time, like the ramp in a spiral staircase, a rotation around the third axis in unavoidable since all three axis must remains at 90Β° from each other.
What would be nice to have in a future version of SU would be some kind of modifier key that would allow the user to tell the "Follow me" tool to consider only one axis for rotation when doing the pull along the path.
Just ideas.
Jean (Johnny) Lemire from Richelieu, Quebec, Canada.