Hi Thomthom,
when modelling a sofa with your superb plugin I came across a peculiar behavior, that seems to occur with any geometry generated with SUbD, whether it is a live SUbD object or a plain mesh generated from it...
Surely you are familiar with the excellent trick of SketchUp, where the direction in which you draw a selection frame influences what is being selected.
- When you draw from left to right, only geometry completely enclosed by the selection frame is being highlighted
- When you draw from right to left, all geometry touched by the selection frame is being highlighted.
Now, with a SUbD mesh, selectin in such a manner does work. If however you press SHIFT / CTRL or both to add or subtract from a selection, this behavior is reversed (or behaves in another, unpredictable manner). Can you reproduce this?
To make things easier, I have attached a file with a SUbD mesh on the left and an ordinary object on the right. Here you can easily see the difference when selecting using the modifier keys.
This is not a big issue, of course. But interesting nontheless 
Incorrect Selection.skp