@jcarterKBdesign The horizontal rails need to have their X Position locked to the left corners of the left hand stile. The X Position of the right hand stile needs to be based on the width of the door
Here in my drawer component you can see how the positions of some of the elements are established. In this case the drawer box component's axes are placed so the drawer can be dropped into place at the front lower left corner of the opening and leave the required spacing.
[image: 1724190737259-screenshot-8_20_2024-10_36_30-am.png]
Hi again!
another silly question: is there any way a plugin could select all the dynamic components which share the exact same attribute selections as the selected one?
Could be very useful.
A searched a lot but could not find any in the internet..
Thanks in advance!
Dynamic Components is part of SketchUp's vanilla install. It used be a Pro only feature when there was the Free/Pro products.
There are DC related extensions out there but they piggy back on the core DC functionality. So it's best to focus on the native DC before improving it with extensions tailored towards particular use cases.
FlexTools would be a good example of DC on steroids.
Wouldn't let my upload my mp4 file showing my onClick rotations so here's a screenshot of the tap at least.
Be nice if you got a prompt or message that it was the wrong file type or something rather than just not working...does it have to be a gif or something? Doh!
[image: BIrj_PuretecTriplaT3_screenshot230322.jpg]
deleted one door
used series of steps and conditions as trigger points
wrapped the door in another component to preserve the axis, then copy, move, flip