haha, great pic Solo!
@kwistenbiebel said:
Sorry guys but does 'Rhino' refer to 3D in any way?
I mean, a rhinoceros is not exactly sexy ...(at least not to me)
What about 'MOI', which just means 'me' in French...
Or 'Maya'...which is a comic figure (a bee) from the eighties.
Well, no those names don't really have much to do with 3D CAD (although MOI stands for Moment Of Inspiration which is at least aspirational), but importantly, Rhino and Maya are just cool words in English. Not only do they sound cool, but one is nature's tank (panzer), a beautiful, fast, fearsome beast and the other is an ancient civilisation renowned for incredible surveying ability, stonemasonry and workmanship. Ketchup is not a cool word, nor a cool product and SketchUp is frankly the sort of awful pun a 5-year-old would laugh at.
Wow, I'd forgotten how much I disliked the name! :eugeek: