Maxwell Render v3 feature anouncement has been started...
upgrade pricing:
345€ from v1 or v2 (node-locked) and 425€ as floating license incl. 10 render nodes!
@jean-franco said:
Maybe this plugin from Julia Eneroth can help ?
You just select the texture on your face and click the right or left icon in the toolbar.
Wow! Great! There it is... i assigned some shortcuts and it works! Thank You!
(i just had to rename one function from "Counter Clockwise" to "Clockwise" because they were named the same in the .rb.)
@fredo6 said:
ThruPaint includes some ways to rate textures by 90° (and 180°).
VCB: + or -
the small texture edition palette has buttons for rotations
Thanks Fredo! I tried the +/- thing before, but i wasn't aware that i have to hit enter to make it work!
So there is another solution for use with ThruPaint.
@numerobis said:
I don't know if something like this already exists for Sketchup, but i think this would be a very useful one for all archviz people...
Not sure how the multitexture thing could be solved but maybe simply by using various sketchup materials.
I don't know how difficult it would be to do something like this for sketchup but when i look at all the incredible existing plugins this looks like a "relatively easy" one for me...
Thanks for your answers!
I'm not sure, if i understand what you are saying... I have positioned the texture before i made the group (which is nested in two other groups) and after. But nothing helped.
I have moved the faces now to a separated new group one level higher and then back into the group and it's working now. Or maybe a restart of sketchup has helped... i'm not sure.
I have noticed this behavior from time to time, but not always.
I never apply a texture to a group/component - and i had checked this already, but thanks!
Yes i meant the frustum.
No, you can only toggle the layers for "Camera_FOV_Volume" and "Camera_FOV_Lines".
But switching these off will not avoid the clipping problems - like any large geometry in sketchup.
But i have found another solution now to avoid these problems. I use the ACT-camera only to set up the scene and then i add a normal scene with the same settings and delete the ACT scene...
If you want to copy these faces into a group - first select them and then use Edit>Copy, now make a new group [perhaps draw some temporary geometry and group that] and edit it [or open an existing group] then use Edit>PasteInPlace... [erase any temporary geometry you might have made inside a 'new' group].
If you want to move the selected faces into a group - first select them and then right-click context-menu > Group. They will be cut from their current context and reproduced inside a new group, note that any common edges that are needed to maintain non-selected faces will be duplicated inside the group rather than cut+moved...
I've used RAM disks a long time ago when HD's were really slow. They are great but the main caveat is saving contents to the HD for posterity.
It used to be a manual effort when it was convenient, but I sometimes forgot, or there was a power glitch that rebooted the system.
But perhaps today there are "autosaves" that will copy the files to HD in background. I'm not current in that because I don't use RAM drives; not enough memory and my SSD is fast enough.
It wouldn't be impossible to work in 3d; it would make things more flexible! (by posting this, I am secretly pushing through my selective-snapping-disabling agenda)
This is true for all SketchUp tools that are context-sensitive: they won't show up in the shortcuts editor unless the appropriate context is activated, e.g. by selecting an edge, face, group, or component.
das stimmt... ich hätte es ja auch einfach als dwg aus max exportieren können...
Ich dachte halt erst, die Texturierung würde gescheit übernommen werden und als das nicht ging hab ich's nicht nochmal neu exportiert...
aber danke für den Tip!
yes... i'm doing it manually now - but i have more than 1200 faces! - not funny...
better texturing is really badly needed - i don't get it why su7 has got no new tools for this. if google can't do multicore or high poly why not improved texturing tools?!? should be useful for google earth too...
I agree - more times than not you should model on Layer0, then put the collection of bits as groups/component-instances on different layers... This method let's you change the current layer BUT be careful to keep your raw geometry on Layer0...
@achim said:
natürlich unter Verlust der "wahren", d.h. echten Abmasse, was bei SketchUp Modellen, zumindest wenn man nicht bemassen und/oder 2D Ableitungen erstellen will, weniger relevant ist.
you are welcome, numerobis. yes indeed. the "projected" function is the only way to get organic models textured half decently.
there is a ruby for spherical/cylindrical mapping. but it doesn't always work for me.
my hopes lie with SketchUp7 and that they took in some of the suggestions that were made here in the forum (like a multipin-mapping system)