A skp file contains a human-readable (ASCII) header at the very beginning of the file, identifying the specific version of SketchUp used. However, the bulk of the file is a proprietary binary format. File recovery programs have a poor track record reconstructing binary files.
Latest posts made by slbaumgartner
RE: How Can I Identify a Sketchup File at a Binary Level?
RE: Plugins as a source of bugsplat etc.
You can see what is sent in the BugSplat by clicking the view details button on the report dialog. The details are very technical, basically an OS crash dump report, so not useful to anyone who is not an expert. Also, if the crash is due to an issue with a Ruby extension, although one can sometimes verify that Ruby was the cause, it is not possible to tell which specific extension was responsible. Further, there is often an interaction between extensions to blame but the crash report only tells you about what one of them was doing at the time.
Uninstalling half at a time is a much more efficient process than doing it one at a time. Basically log2(n) vs n.
RE: Spacemouse plugin problem. Ruby Guru needed!
That error looks like a downstream consequence of something failing to load earlier.
RE: this scares me
I believe that quality will improve with time, but so far I am quite frightened by the egregious errors that AI sometimes returns. For example, recently I queried Google for the ohm value of a color-coded resistor I had. It returned a value that was wrong by a factor of 1000! The more we come to rely on AI for everything, the more likely it is that errors such as this will sneak through, with the potential to cause serious harm!
RE: Cannot reduce the width of a part
There is something in the way that prevents pushpull from going inward. Try selecting the face and using move instead.
RE: [Plugin] 2D Tools
I looked into this (posted also on the SketchUp public forum). Reposting here where TIG keeps the actual extension and has the main discussion about it.
I reproduced the issue on macOS Ventura 13.3.1 on my Intel-based 2019 MBP 16" using both SketchUp 2023.0.396 and SketchUp 2022.1.165. So it is not specific to Apple Silicon nor to SketchUp 2023. I don’t have a pre-Ventura version of macOS running, so I can’t verify whether the issue also happens on Monterey or earlier.
After some testing, I found that the extension was looping in the draw (view) method after the second point is picked (in the @state > 1 clause.) I think the problem is that the code calls view.invalidate from within the draw method, triggering an immediate call again to draw - endless loop! I commented out the view.invalidate, and the problem went away.
I’m not clear why the view.invalidate was needed in the first place, even on Windows. @TIG, perhaps you can explain? If it is needed on Windows or older versions of macOS, a simple branch test based on OS version could fix it?
RE: SU constantly crashing on Mac
I assume you installed SketchUp correctly, but just to make sure, the process is:
- Download the installer .dmg file
- In your download folder, double-click the installer .dmg to mount and open it. A disk image icon should appear on your desktop and then the installer starts to run.
- In the dialog that pops up, drag the SketchUp icon onto the Applications Folder icon, as indicated by the large gray arrow. You should then see a message about copying files.
- When the install completes, the dialog should close. If it doesn't, click the red button to close it.
- Right-click and eject the .dmg from your desktop.
SketchUp should now be installed in your /Applications folder. Run it from there. DO NOT attempt to run it from the .dmg image - that will cause errors and crashes!
RE: Entities copied to another Tag lose their faces
Your wording suggests you may have a misunderstanding of SketchUp tags. You can't copy anything from one tag to another because tags don't contain or "own" anything. They are like markings applied to an entity. The simplest way to do what you describe is probably to copy the object using either copy/paste or the move tool, and then assign the desired new tag using the entity info window.
RE: Combine Editor
It was last updated in 2013. I suspect the author has moved on...