Hi here is the model:
Flatten Faces Simple Model - DWG based - 2013.skp
All scenes starting with "V" are the dwg files imported with Tig's "Xref Manager" Plugin (I'm using Sketchup Pro here), the only thing I changed was adding faces to those components wich could eventually help me design on top of them.
The process is done by hand and very labourious to setup as one has to export each dwg individually, create a lot of scenes and layers, correctly manage them and then insert dwgs and align them with model.
Alternativelly, one could import all dwg files and lay them flat in the XY plane, wich would allow for less work.
This is also similar to what CADup does and is closer to what I used to do when I worked with CAD too.
All this work could make sense on VERY complex buildings wich Layout can't really handle if they are 3D, but with this system it would handle easilly.
The file has 3 kinds of scenes:
Standard sketchup 3D section scenes wich have no prefix. They show the model, an active section and the corresponding SectionCutFace;
2D Scenes with isolated SectionCutFaces wich have the "X" prefix;
And also 2D scenes with the imported DWG files wich have a "V" prefix.
Each "X" and "V" scene has a corresponding layer wich is visible only on that scene.
I have also changed the layout file to correspond to this setup:
Simple Architectural Layout - DWG Based 2013.layout
[image: zuDz_SimpleArchitecturalLayout-DWGBased2013_2.jpg]
[image: qRq3_SimpleArchitecturalLayout-DWGBased2013_3.jpg]
[image: tb6c_SimpleArchitecturalLayout-DWGBased2013_4.jpg]
[image: AeHY_SimpleArchitecturalLayout-DWGBased2013_5.jpg]
By now my hopes are no longer very high, but I'd really wish this, or something similar would be possible to develop...
Thanks for all your input so far!