Thank you for your reply, Dave.
I am using SketchUp/LayOut 2020.
That is certainly a workaround, but I would need to adjust my workflow to accommodate that... I use guidelines all the time, but I am a heavy user of the Edit -> Delete Guides function. It would be strange (for me) to leave a guideline in my model, is that something "normal" to do?
The other workaround that I found was to draw a line on top of a model edge in LayOut, then draw a perpendicular line via the inference engine which creates points for me to snap a dimension to. The only problem there is that it does not snap to the model, and therefore does not reflect the scale of the model (see "9/16" dimension on attachment). I can remedy that by deleting the lines drawn in LayOut, then moving one of the "legs" of the dimension so that it snaps to the model, and therefore reflects the model scale. It's a workaround, but I guess it works. Would you have any other suggestions that I could try?
Thank you again, Dave, I appreciate your expertise.
[image: d0nm_Layout2020Screenshot-DrawingLinesforDimensions.JPG]
[image: 3XbP_Layout2020Screenshot-DimensionnottoScale.JPG]
[attachment=0:1s7smbvm]<!-- ia0 -->Layout 2020 Screenshot - Delete Lines & Snap Dimension Points to Model.JPG<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1s7smbvm]
[image: ALQH_Layout2020Screenshot-DeleteLinesampSnapDimensionPointstoModel.JPG]