💡 LightUp 7.1 | SketchUp's only real-time renderer that uses object-based rendering Download Trial
  • Full-size commercial printing question

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    5 Posts

    Most printers printing at that size want the print file at 1:5 or 1:10 scale. I do a lot of billboard signs and site fencing which is a 50m long roll NOTHING will allow you a sheet size that big!

  • Weird background grey shade in viewport

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    4 Posts

    Gents - I finally figured it out. I'm using Skalp sections to create these plans and somehow during the last upgrade the correct scene styles got screwed up for the skalp sections. Deactivating/Reactivating the skalp sections and updating all scenes in layout fixed the issue.
    Thx for chiming in.


  • Dimension leaders touching model

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    3 Posts

    Thanks so much for the thorough and thoughtful help, exactly what I was looking for! turns out my default dim style in my template had gotten wonky. Things are now looking as expected. Thanks again!

  • Sketch Model moves in Layout After being updated

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    7 Posts

    Saving scenes in SU is the best way to make your life easy in LO.

  • 2 questions regarding Viewports.

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    2 Posts
    Dave RD

    As for the scale block, it depends upon how it is made. You could add a dimension to it and then resize it. I've always made my own in SketchUp. Then it's treated like any other viewport.

    As for aligning viewports, you can use the alignment tools in the Arrange menu to align by the borders of the viewports. If you're actually trying to get the geometry from the sketchUp model aligned, move the little cross hair thing from the center of the viewport to some corner or edge or something. Then you can move that viewport so that point snaps to a corresponding point in the other viewport.

  • SU scene not matching LO scene

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    5 Posts

    @sfto1 said:

    I moved the floor group away from the wall group by 1/16" and that solved it for the time being. I didn't think that two separately grouped items would have z fighting issues.

    Yes, Z fighting will occur regardless of layer/group/component.
    TIG has a plugin that creates a section cut "face".
    That is what I,and many others use create a plan like the one you show.

    sorry..don't have a link to TIG's plugin


  • How much to model?

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    6 Posts

    Andy is right on. Always consider your deliverable and what you want to show as you model. I mainly work in SU and use LO only for notation, dimensions and rendering scenes. I also haven't been around much lately. I'll try to get back in more as time permits.

  • Quotation (texte de cotes)

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    15 Posts
    Dave RD

    Ah, yes, if you double click on the dimension so you can move the text box without moving the rest of the dimension, you can see it behaves like the text box has fill when it is over the arrow or extension lines. It doesn't have fill if you move it over something unrelated though. Still, as far as creating dimensions, the text box might as well have fill turned on.

    Screenshot - 1_8_2015 , 7_20_57 PM.png
    Screenshot - 1_8_2015 , 7_22_18 PM.png

  • Dimensioning issues

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    2 Posts
    Dave RD

    Is it possible that the active layer in LO on which you're trying to place dimensions is lower in the stack than the one containing the SketchUp viewport? If that is the case, it isn't really that you can't add the dimensions and labels, you'r just doing it underneath the model so the viewport is masking them.

    Try turning off the visibility for the layer containing the SU viewport. You might find a bunch of dimensions and labels.

  • Models turn transparent with vector rendering

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    6 Posts
    Dave RD

    Excellent. I was off working on a physiological monitor and I got to wondering if by "transparent" you mean you could see background stuff in the LO file. But, as I assumed, it must have been that you were seeing a wireframe view of your model. Glad it's sorted.

  • Tile printing in LO?

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    3 Posts

    Ahh.. found out how via document setup to enlarge the A3 paper and get my model in, scale it and widen the viewer window.. THANKS!

  • Layout Vector rendering issues

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    6 Posts

    Try just grouping and raising the bottom face of walls a little. Hide the edges of the face.

    Just yesterday I found myself having to provide an extra backdrop (simple face) behind some objects, because in LO Hybrid rendering was producing some trashy artifacts on curved surfaces. Nothing's perfect.

    I would like to add to this here--I am seeing this now in 2015, so beware: In Vector rendering coarse short lines can appear--it seems mostly on smaller rounded surfaces. In the case above I guessed that something was "bleeding through" from further back in the model, but now I am not sure there fixes for this. This appears in Vector and Hybrid rendering. Incidently, I have mostly seen it in curved surfaces in my door and window components.

    Another Vector rendering error is some hidden lines appearing. This could occur in previous versions of LO as well.

    Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 9.10.29 AM.png

  • Trying to Print To Scale

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    6 Posts

    @stray_moose said:

    Thank you for the response, however I am using Layout. I apologize for not including that in the original post. I've been using Sketchup and Layout for quite some time, though I'm still relatively unacquainted with many of Layouts functions and features.

    Merry Christmas to you guys by the way, and Happy 2015.

    There are quite a few steps, though they all are easy once you know. Did you:

    Save a scene with Parallel Projection of your object in SketchUP. Save the file. Send to Layout. In LO set a scale to your scene (model reference). Use a template or setup the page size to your printer paper. Check that the SU model reference is still in scale and the view has not beem modified. Go to print the page. Check that the page is set to print at 100%.

    To test add dimensions in SU and in LO to compare in the print out.

    If you can't get it to work, can you attach the attempt of simple SketchUp and LayOut Files here?

  • Hatches look great in SU, but fuzzy in LO. Why?

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    8 Posts

    I come from the drawing board, I was trained in the respect for the standard. We can evolve towards the modernity while keeping the meaning strength of past.

    I always use the plugin Hatchfaces, which gives good results to me in LO in vectorial. I hope that it will be developed for the next versions of Skechup pro

    Sorry my English is incorrect.


  • PDF too dark

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    2 Posts
    Dave RD

    Have you looked at the SketchUp model and the LO project on a different screen? It could be the screen you're working on is set such that it is skewing the way things making them appear brighter than they really are.

    Without seeing what you're seeing, it's difficult to tell for sure.

  • Two templates in one document

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    3 Posts
    Dave RD

    You can't select a different template for specific pages but you could open a second LayOut project using your other template and copy the content from one project page to the other project. Keep in mind that when you paste the content into the project, all of it will be placed on the active layer for that project. If your template file has content on multiple layers, you'll either compress it all to a single layer when pasting or you'll have to copy and paste content one layer at a time.

    An alternative would be to just make two separate LO files, one for the front page and one for the other pages and combine them in Acrobat or some other PDF editor.

  • Cleaning Up Templates

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    3 Posts
    Dave RD

    Good on you to get it sorted. I have some templates that tend to get updated annually. I wind up opening the template directly from LayOut. Then I make the required changes and save it as a new template with the year in the template name. Helps me know I've got all of them updated. then I go through the folder and delete the unneeded ones.

  • LO odd behavior: hatch problem

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    4 Posts

    This is a link to my post where I think It is a similar issue


  • Unwanted Hidden Lines Appear in Vector/Hybrid

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    15 Posts

    I am also experiencing this problem working in SketchUp/Layout 2014. I have tried changing the OpenGL setting and it has not solved the issue. I am on a Mac, so I can't update my GPU driver short of upgrading my operating system.

    One thing I noticed is that I seem to consistently experience this problem when working in files that I originally created in SketchUp 2013 (last year). I have not seen this happen with files originally created in SketchUp 2014 imported into Layout 2014.

    Here are two example screenshots of the problem. In the first view, the rendering mode in Layout is set to "vector." In the second, it is set to "raster." I did not change anything else.

    Thanks for any advice anyone can provide!


  • Layout print setup

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Dave RD

    Try exporting a PDF and print that instead.

    You can set up margins in Document SetUp to suit what your printer is capable of dealing with.
