“Happy client”
I know I would be!
Very well done.
Latest posts made by Charlie__V
RE: Layout Performance tips
Per Dave: “overly detailed components”
I think level of detail at current scale is excessive....IE: screws and hemmed metal detailing being shown......chairs could be simplified....
Having items like this either “lighter” in modeling detail or visibility controlled w/tags and reserved for display at larger scale/detail drawing(s).
IOW....try isolating them w/tags....turn off visibility and check for performance gain.C
RE: Export Just the Selected Drawing as 2D Graphic
It seems it might be possible in the extra functions of Fredo Portrait in the 2018 and newer version.
Fredo frequents this site....it may be worthwhile waiting to see if he chimes in here on this thread, or maybe try asking in the thread that hosts the Extension. (I don’t know how to “ping” him here)
RE: Export Just the Selected Drawing as 2D Graphic
I skimmed through Fredo’s user guide and thought you could do what you seek. (Close crop/transparent background)
Have you read it? (The .pdf)
And if it is not currently possible he may be able to modify it to accomplish what you need.EDIT:
And you probably already know you will have to use .png export to have/retain a transparent background. (.jpg no good for that) -
RE: Export Just the Selected Drawing as 2D Graphic
A SU Extension that may be useful for your process......
RE: Resizing jpeg image problem
Forgive my ignorance,,,,,,,but are you re sizing all images to the same extents in LO? (IE: like a postcard)
Just asking in case a template could be used to “snap to”....possibly even a SU model at scale in LO to be utilized for snap points.Charlie
RE: Decent video editor?
I have very little experience w/video editing but found Adobe Premiere Elements fairly intuitive.I also recently found out about & tried Blenders video editor.....but having little to no Blender experience....I quickly reverted to Premiere to get out what I needed done.
So since Blender is free.....maybe give that a go.
RE: Medeek Wall Plugin
@medeek said:
On a related note, what steel stud manufacturer(s) is the most commonly used for residential and commercial construction?
Superstud is a big player in the business. (USA)
RE: Partial wall demo
As pbacot has stated above....same/similar to showing walls being "built up" see example file below.