Models turn transparent with vector rendering
Why does a model turn transparent with vector rendering in 2015, instead of staying solid? Does anyone know how to keep your model view solid while trying to render it with vectors?
We've seen reports of this in the past. The fix has always been to change OpenGL settings in SketchUp. Generally disabling Hardware Acceleration seems to fix it.
I disabled the hardware acceleration, and it is still rendering it transparent. Anything else I should do?
Did you try disabling Fast Feedback? Close SU and LO and then reopen. Rerender the viewports.
YES ! THIS WORKED! Thank you!
Excellent. I was off working on a physiological monitor and I got to wondering if by "transparent" you mean you could see background stuff in the LO file. But, as I assumed, it must have been that you were seeing a wireframe view of your model. Glad it's sorted.