@frv said:
I can't seem to make any light to work, for instance the rectangular light can be edited but the effect is none, no light.
When you use Physical Camera the light usually needs to be bumped up.
Exactly what value will depend on what light unit you are using.
@frv said:
were is the low priority setting for rendering as is mentioned in the manual
I asked about this yesterday. It's missing from the new version. Hopefully they'll add it soon in a patch. But there has been no promise.
@frv said:
there is a difference, and sometimes big in the manual and the actual OSX plugin. I assume this is due to the newer version.
Yes - things have changed and the old manual will not always be relevant. For reference to how V-Ray works you can use the V-Ray manual: http://www.spot3d.com/vray/help/150SP1/
@frv said:
Is there a quick guide to good architecturel glass.
I think there should be bundled example material with VfSU.
In general you got two ways around it, if you use glass with thickness you can add refraction, and effects such as glass colour and make it frosted. But it does need thick faces.
Faster way, if the effects are not needed is to use a single face with to refraction, and only use reflection.
In both cases the diffuse should be 100% transparent. Use a Fresnel reflection map, in the default values the parallel value is comletely black, I like to add a little to this so you always get a faint reflection.
@frv said:
is there a quick guide to speedyhigh quality archviz settings for exterior work under the phycical sky.
Speed and Quality is hard. That needs to be tailored to each scene. No holy grale there I'm afraid. But my most common setup starts with Irradiance Map and Light Cache as IR is faster than DMC.