Bitdefender started reporting false positives for SUbD last week. I've submitted a False Positive report to them, hoping they'll update their definitions soon.
In regard to your recent post: can you check if C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2021/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_SUbD/libraries/ exists on your machine?
If it does, and you still get this error, can you ZIP up the C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2021/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_SUbD folder and send it to me please?
(False positives from AV software is such a pain to clean up.)
I realized that the objects in this file have been located using Easting & Northing coordinates which explains why they are approx over 7 million metres from their axis location. Which could explain why I was having issues with working in the file before relocating them.
If you speak about these base volumes...file linked : here for 2016 Make not tested for 2017 Make...
sorry in French
Box, Cylinder, Cone, Donuts, Tube, Prism, Pyramid, Dome, Sphere, Helix
[image: BLmI_base_volume.jpg]
Unfortunately non of the physics extensions are compatible with SU 2019.
Sounds like another good reason to switch to Blender;-)https://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=179&t=69981
FWIW, the imagery imported into SketchUp when you use Add Location doesn't come from Google and hasn't for a few years. Google changed their terms of use to prohibit usage of their imagery and terrain data. Google basically took their toys and went home. Now the imagery and terrain data come from Digital Globe which provides it at a cost. (Google used to provide it to SketchUp for free) The more you pay, the better the image quality. You can get much higher resolution via Placemaker II if you need it.
Thanks pcmoor, your a legend.
I just checking it out now. Thanks for doing that. I do struggle with the DC functions. Once I have an example I'm usually right but they seem hard to find, & trying to work it out using the support documentation usually means I end up using trial & error, which tends to make a dog's breakfast of things:-) I managed to get the sleepers to copy on X axis yesterday by making own sub-component like you did, but then had issues getting my posts to copy to right spots & issues with post lengths not matching wall heights etc. I like how you calculated the REMAINDER. I like how your brain works, obviously a lot better than mine..lol.
Cheers mate.
I may have got the image orientation a bit muddled up on that first model I uploaded. I think Right is Left & vise versa. I now have some little labels to put in the photos with a scale on them. Saves having to remember what photo is what, which I obviously failed to do the first time. It does make it a little less confusing if the photos are arranged correctly....doh! Can also scale more accurately from now on, which also helps with accuracy.Helps to have some ortho photos of it open to use for comparison whilst modelling too.
Wasn't really expecting anyone to actually go to the trouble of "the challenge". But here's mine anyway. I think it's pretty close & didn't take too long to build. It's a lot easier when the images are ordered arranged correctly. Might become a texturing challenge next....lol.
@tboy said:
SJS66 If you want to see .skb thumbnails, icon overlay and default "open with" you have to edit few registry keys.
Is there an expert around that would be able to specify what those registry keys are?
@juju said:
You could always download the RBZ and do a "manual" installation via the Extension Manager, that is what I did.
Great minds think alike mate, downloaded new RBZ and installed via Extension Manager. Easy peezy.
Thank you