About the Mainstream like V-ray....
Have you ever teached Autocad users to Sketchup? They only ask me why Sketchup has not this or that function and tend
to make Sketchup to be a primitive Software. They are often sluggish to change the way of thinking. No offending, but I have my autocad spinsters along my courses So Autocad will be the leader in the next years...that's mainstream.
But that's in general with human thinking.
V-Ray stays longer on the market and have a great customer community. So it is Mainstream, too. In the Render Community, where Professionals are working, the names are beside each other. Who needs speed tend to V-Ray, who needs quality tend to Maxwell.( biased and unbiased are quite different to compare ) The V-Ray comunity is larger by nature, not more.
You'll find a lot of Help for V-Ray - here in the Forum too. Let's say single supported
I thought the same about Maxwell and be on the track to learn it deeper. Now the Pluggin is really well implemented- thanks to JD- and well documented - thanks Jason too - so it makes it a lot easier now. Although - shame to me - I'm Maxwell owner since the alpha stages
Congretulation for a 6- core I7