@hectormc said:
Hi i just bought profile builder but have not yet learned to do diddly squat with it.
how do you use these profiles to make lines?
@ccaponigro said:
So here are the .skp files. This only works with Profile Builder 2 Assembly tool.
I made dashed, hidden, center, phantom and even batt insulation.
They only use a couple components and just repeat them so I'm guess not much in terms of computer load.
The center and phantom have to be a specific length or they will finish short or long of the definition line.(I'm going to work on this some more. I really spent very little time trying to tweak them. But for me being able to keep things coordinated right in sketchup is worth a little fuss. I was really surprised at how easy the batt insulation was.
I also like dropping in center lines on my openings so I know exactly what I'm snapping to in layout.
They are not profiles but assemblies. Use the assembly tool in the same manner you would any assembly. Draw with the path tool or select a path and apply the assembly. I should say I have switched to doing all my linework in Layout. The new make scale drawing has made it soooo much easier.