Vray4su lıghts+coponents help
i have a workflow question. im working on a model and none of my omni lights are workıng. they are just standard omnis that i copied form a nother file and pased into a component. so i have like 10 spotlights that dot work in my scene
do lights like components? or do they have to be a group only 1 deep from the surface? i can edit the omni but it just renders black still. im working with standard cameras so its not that.
any sudgestions?
ok i have narowed it down to one problem now. ı have a translucent map ınfront of my lıght that doesent seem to want to be transparent.
Have you added an alpha map to the V-Ray material for that translucent map. Remember that VfSU doesn't read the alpha info from PNG files. (or any other types.)
i believe it is a jpg file. i copy and paste the light fixture to a nother file and re link the material and it some times works. it might be to do with the light/alpha map being in a group.