Hi all, thought I would re-hash a piece of work I did last year and wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year.
Best wishes to all
RE: Another rover thing
Nice work
the proportins seem to really work, all seems pretty feasable, I want one....can I have one
RE: Dibac CAD Beta
I use Autocad (Autode$k) for work but have used Bricscad and Archicad. I will support anything that is not Autode$k.
RE: SketchUp 2019 release
I never felt oh wow, this version is so much better than the previous. I honestly could not care less about 2019, I dont see what the fuss is about and never have to be honest.
RE: Water Walls render modelling
Hi Pixero, thank you that may very well work, will post the results this weekend if it does.
Water Walls render modelling
Hi All, I am trying to build my port folio and came across an old design I did for a swimming pool and spa. As I said that was quite some time ago before my skills progressed to beyond the attached embarrassing image. I want to see what I can do with rendering it as photo realistic as I can do. Am good with the rest but think I will come across trouble when I try and do the water walls. They will be the weak point. Does anyone have a model the could send or perhaps have some suggestions on how to make these work.....please?
RE: Perth 2 story house render
@renderiza said:
@l i am said:
Still experimenting with lighting and producing renders out of the box with no post processing. Whilst not completely successful but perhaps an improvement, I'm not sure.
[attachment=0:hmk1u999]<!-- ia0 -->Modern tropical Sml 2.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:hmk1u999]
For not doing any postprocessing I think your renders are good, but for me, photoshop is a vital process to make my work presentable.
Sorry its been a while, would you care to share a similarish image to mine of what you mean (photo shopped? I am in need of a dangled carrot, would really appreciate it
Styles advice please
Hi all, I am working on a small project and have not had too much experience with styles as I normally render images. In the attached image particularly the plants in the foreground are semi transparent in this particular style, and the style seems to be closest to my needs. Is there a way to increase the opacity of the texture?
RE: Old Clay Pot
Beautiful work! Very convincing. Could I suggest a white studio background? I think that awful grey detracts from your work.
RE: Metal Hangers for Wood Beams Collection
Very generous mate
I have one suggestion though they seem to be saved in 2018 I would suggest you save in an earlier version as many including myself do not have SU 2018.
Is Make still available
Hi Guys,I have friend who is thinking of getting into sketchup. Can anyone let me know the state of play. Is make still available for download or is it all cloud based now now?
RE: Hover rod type or steampunk car
I really love the retro/steam punk styling. Just a thought bubble but it instantly said to me (with a bit if modification) a "ground effect vehicle"
RE: Hover rod type or steampunk car
Looking forward to seeing where this heads Mike beautiful so far
RE: Texture pack post?
@samnorth said:
Maybe it was these textures; I noticed them posted somewhere around here recently...?
That's the one
Thanks Sam:)
RE: Need help with a stair's step
@dave r said:
Doing what I described, extend the edge of the step out a bit beyond the end. If using Follow Me, extend both ends. Draw the round over profile at 90Β° to the extended line.
[attachment=2:2bsn6w8o]<!-- ia2 -->Screenshot - 9_14_2018 , 7_09_26 AM.png<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:2bsn6w8o]Extrude the profile. If you use Follow Me, preselect the path including the extended edges on each end, get the tool, click on the profile face. Since the run is straight, you could use Push/Pull instead. For Push/Pull you don't need the extended edges.
[attachment=1:2bsn6w8o]<!-- ia1 -->Screenshot - 9_14_2018 , 7_10_59 AM.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:2bsn6w8o]Select all of the geometry, right click and choose Intersect Faces>With Selected. Then erase the waste and correct the face orientation on the roundover as needed.
[attachment=0:2bsn6w8o]<!-- ia0 -->Screenshot - 9_14_2018 , 7_11_50 AM.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2bsn6w8o]This is similar to what Liam shows but avoids the need to move the roundover into place and prevents possible errors in placement.
RE: Texture pack post?
Hi Pixero, thanks for that, have had a look at the site and it looks like an amazing resource for texture.s I will be a heavy user:thumb:
However I would still like to trace that materials post.