thank you for the quick answer!
I'm having the same dilemma as you. I'm looking for renderer that can produce nice renders, quick and fast.
Luckily, now i have little time around Xmas to learn more about KT which is the most impressive (and free!) rendering engine i met so far.
I'm pretty sure I will never master KT as the the guys over there in the KT Forums http://www.kerkythea.net/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=28&Itemid=70 but i hope to "develop" a "method" or a set of tools with I can create nice renders with just a few clicks, like you do with Podium.
At least this is my goal for the next few days/weeks
So thanks again, I will check back here from time to time to see nice projects from you and others!
Merry Xmas!