EDIT if you are looking for rendering/modeling tips just ignore my post

I think this has a lot of potential.
I would exchange the orange color to something cooler like black or gray.
The mangahigh sign shouldn't have a white background just go with the your main color (at the moment the orange).
The tv on the left shouldn't cover the graphics next to it. Also it sticks out from the panel so you can see the backside of it > not nice.
I would use a bigger panel (or two) for the tv and only put graphics/text underneath.
The other tv is in the belly of the girl - not really good either i think.
I would exchange the empty classroom pic in the middle for something that has more life. (teacher/students)
Why do the panels next to the door have transoms in them? i would take them out. (poor girl is beheaded)
Maybe some spot lights on the top the panels?
Definitely turn the tvs on.