@subburb said:
First thing to do : change via scripting Vray engine values and/or values into the "Vray for sketchup - Render options panel"
It's a no go - at least with the current version. The VfSU data is stored in attributes as binary data in an unknown format. I tried to reverse engineer it - got most of the data for lights. But the main setting data was much harder. And the problem with the VfSU render settings is that it's read only at SU startup, and written upon model save, so even if you managed to decode their binary format, it'd be overwritten when the model is saved.
The only thing which has potential is the lights. As that data is read every time you open the Light Setting window. So you could potentially create a light manager - which is sorely needed.
So that's the bad news.
But a new version is due to be release soon. The core is rewritten and a lot is now in Python. But I've not looked into how easy it is to hack. I have been asking for ways for us scripters to modify VfSU settings - but I'm not sure if this version account for that. This coming release was intended as a pure rewrite of the core to make VfSU compatible with OSX.
But please join me on the ASGVis forum as ask them for more scripting control. It helps my case when more people ask for it, not just me going on and on all the time.