Installing VRay Issue
Did you install as administrator?
Yes, I did and then I run SU as administrator. The message still being there...
Does that provide any more help: ?
If not - send an message to
No.. That didn't help, thanks for helping me. I'm going to send a e-mail to ASGVIS now.
No te preocupes ya lo solucionΓ© con la ayuda de ASGvis.
Don't worry I already solved it with help that ASGvis provided.
And... Many people told me about to change my nick-name to JaviVISTA
@javixp said:
No te preocupes ya lo solucionΓ© con la ayuda de ASGvis.
Don't worry I already solved it with help that ASGvis provided.
And... Many people told me about to change my nick-name to JaviVISTA
Care to share the solution? Often people search the web for solution to problems, so it might help them.
Javi, es un error del vista que traduce automaticamente Program files a Archivos de programa, asegurate que al intalar el Vray en C:/Archivos de programa/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/ tienes la carpeta VRayForSketchUp y el fichero VRayForSketchup.rb
Javi, is a mistake of vista that Program files translates automatic into archivos de programa, assure yourself that when install Vray in C:/Archivos de programa/Google/Google 7/Plugins/, you have the folder VRayForSketchUp and the file VRayForSketchup.rb
Change your nick to jaViVista
Ok, here we go:
I didn't do that much, I use SU7 and it was specific for SketchUp 6/7 but the V.7 didn't work. So ASGvis sent me a link to download a specific version for SU7 Here
Hope this helps!
@javixp said:
... Many people told me about to change my nick-name to JaviVISTA
Just let me know when you decide and I can change it for you.
@gaieus said:
Just let me know when you decide and I can change it for you.
That'd be cool, but I won't change it now