Hi all, and many thanks for speaking about and pushing SR into heavy tests, sound very interesting !
special thanks to you, EarthMover, you your kind words
As you can see, i've created an account here as i'm really interesd by SR usage in Sketchup/vray.
i encourage these heavy testings, that's the better way to imrove SR presets, and SR by itself.. !
i find really interesting to test Sr presets on Vray for sketchup, i'll follow your results with great attention.
critics are the base of improvements
@unknownuser said:
Such as switching SolidRocks to a Very High preset with IM+LC the plugin sets Vray to have a Hsph Subdiv of only 10 and interp. samples at 21, and then adjusting the noise, color and distance thresholds to fine tune the quality. By doing this, it seems quality is maintained, but render times go down.
you're right, but Hsph needs to be multiplied by the global multiplier value to have the "real" hsph subdivs..
so, for example, at medium (exterior preset) the Hsph is 18 and global mult is 2, so the "real" hsph is 182 = 36
at VeryGoodsettings, the hsph is 10, but the global multiplier is 6.0, so the "real" hsph is 106 = 60
that's why the preset editor in solidrocks ask you for the "desired hsph" : if you say 80 for example, SR will calculate for you the correct hsph value depending of the global mutiplier.
you have a resume of all importants vray values when hitting the "Adv.tools" under the minipreview in SolidRocks.
i take some holidays this summer (the first since 4 years !!), and go to the siggraph on new orleans to make some little advert
after that, perhaps can we discuss about a SR for sketchup ??
for info : actually working on V1.0, including the "animation wizard" tool. tht's my main goal since the very first day of SR project...
Cheers !