This! Sometimes this new window is gone and it's really annoying. I wish there was an option to revert to the old simpler UI - generally not sure why there was need to invent it
RE: [Plugin][$] ThruPaint - v2.8b - 20 Dec 24
RE: How long does it take to produce a good render?
"Work complicates to fill the available time"
RE: [Plugin] LordOfTheToolbars - v2.9c - 20 Dec 24
My 2c are related to your disappeared menus, custom icons are aside -
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoSpline - v2.6a - 01 Apr 24
my humble request: window selection - most obvious and basic functionality. currently the process of vertex selection is not bearable.
Yet another idea: in edit, ability to assign different types of vertices in given spline(s) : arc, bezier, simple corner.
RE: [Plugin] LordOfTheToolbars - v2.9c - 20 Dec 24
@cmeed said:
@fredo6 said:
@cmeed said:
I don't think there will be a solution for the future, as there is no longer any API to access menus and screen visual elements.
This is indeed sad news! LOTB has speeded up my work. Its quick, easy and (was) very adapatble. I am still a keen fan and will be a tester if ever you need help with further developments.
Cheers for all your hard work
Chrismy 2 cents: Just make ONE large vertical (say 6X30) palette, add separators\line breaks where needed - so everything is in one place perfectly organized on the 2nd monitor. No need in extra menus or palettes (maybe except history). the rest is shortcuts and tool search
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoSpline - v2.6a - 01 Apr 24
Also, in case of polycorner arc editing.. I really miss ability to choose (with crossing window and\or by single picks) several vertices and change their radius at once. So again mass editing is really welcomed.
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoSpline - v2.6a - 01 Apr 24
@fredo6 said:
@rv1974 said:
Fredo, is it possible to implement a general weight setting in "convert curves" and "edit curves" commands please?
I get used to create all sorts of splines out of faces of chains of straight edges and really miss this general option. It also counter-effective to change the weight one-by-one in editI think you can select several control points and chenge the weight in one action.
Thats news to me. so how do I change the weight globally?
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoSpline - v2.6a - 01 Apr 24
Fredo, is it possible to implement a general weight setting in "convert curves" and "edit curves" commands please?
I get used to create all sorts of fredo curves out of faces or chains of straight edges and really miss this general setting. It also counter-effective to change the weight one-by-one in edit -
AutoHotPie | Radial Menus for Windows
Free (so far) Pie menus for any windows program incl.Sketchup: Just started to use it in SU - so far so good, rather pleased
I imagine it will be especially useful while working with pen in PS -
RE: Draw an octagon an a Swiss keyboard
Haha with this approach Trimble could make a smooth/unsmooth variant for each tool
RE: Artisan Subdivide and smooth function question
@rich o brien said:
@rv1974 said:
the video is made with v1, now its v2
Yes, you are right. RV 1 - 0 Rich
Nobody fucks with the Jesus
RE: Artisan Subdivide and smooth function question
@rich o brien said:
@s07210029 said:
Any possibility…
Trial the newest version
the video is made with v1, now its v2
RE: Latest pc woes.
No slowdowns on W11 whatsoever.
@rich The rug really tied the room together -
RE: [Plugin] 2D Tools
There's an annoying bug in fillet tool:
When the tool has to extend existing edges it creates new colinear overlapping
ones above existing. Ideally ONE not broken edge is expected. Any chance to fix it please?
Also, is it possible to grant an option to NOT create Cpoints at fillet centers at all?
P.S. Hereby is skp file. try to fillet the edges on the left with radius of 10.
RE: Draw an octagon an a Swiss keyboard
type s for segments number: 8s
might be your case - many shortcuts are broken in the latest su build -
RE: Make layer visible or invisible in all scenes
Plugin: Add Hidden Layer
Update Apr 2014 - Version 1.0.1 Add a Layer to your SketchUp model and control its visibility on existing and new Scenes. Use Activa...
RE: Tax_Engineering v10.1 [plugin update]
@tax said:
Update checker, settings, toolbar, sound effects, bug fixes.Docs comming in v11.0!
Please consider preserving last used settings -it would be a HUGE improvement; its so annoying to restore the same settings over and over again