@TIG I'm not critisizing, this is objective fact. Triple Enter is the only thing the ExtrudeAlongPath demands. There's nothing close in terms of ease of use in Extrude toolset (which is designed for more complex things)
RE: [Plugin] PipeAlongPath
RE: [Plugin] PipeAlongPath
@Rich-O-Brien I just tried to drag 'n' drop a rb file - and I was greeted by "not enough privileges" pop-up. "welcome" indeed
RE: [Plugin] PipeAlongPath
[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zs9zfTfJxDOgdMk7D--sGzRh40WTl2Sn/view?usp=sharing](link url)
Sorry for rar file, I updated the link
>>I see that ExtrudeAlongPath is 14 years old, and isn't even one of my plugins anymore
Author : TIG (c) - this is what I see in this rb file, how it could get stopped to be yours?
Unfortunately Extrude Toolset is waay too less elegant and user friendly -
RE: [Plugin] PipeAlongPath
@Rich-O-Brien by "" I meant the new forum's design (skin) remaining in the same location. sorry if they hurt your feelings.
RE: [Plugin] PipeAlongPath
@TIG thanks for reply!
I attach 2 old rubies of yours
ExtrudeAlongPath and TubeAlongPath:
[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1svirdxDbhq3Md3liCyr-Ne0LWeqY99yE/view?usp=sharing](link url)
I found that pipe along the path can (kinda) substitute the tube if inner radius is set to zero. My only complain is both Pipe and TubeAlongPath doesn't process multiple paths at once (I recall I humbly requested to improve it years ago )
There is still problem with ExtrudeAlongPath - I described it above, it doesn't extrudes. Could you please make it work in 2024?P.S\Offtopic: Is the option to attach files in the NEW forum gone
RE: [Plugin] PipeAlongPath
@TIG PipeAlongPath and ExtrudeAlongPath are not working in 2024. They only create profile but fail extrude it aling the path.
Any chance to fix it please? -
RE: NEW Forum Software Issues
I love how the "Latest" on official forum redirects you to the red "last visit" break line - very clear and convinient. This and pencil "edit" button - would be nice to steal them
RE: Vantage 2 is finally out
@rv1974 Vantage is under the hood in the new virtual production initiative to compete Unreal
https://youtu.be/2k6otpfLNoM?si=KblObed7SKIUfLKY -
RE: [Plugin][$] Curviloft 2.0a - 31 Mar 24 (Loft & Skinning)
@fredo6 "Future compatibility" sounds like v2025 is close, isn't it?
RE: A piece from my real job, not really sketchup related.
@Rich-O-Brien no its my grandma's opinion.
RE: RealityCapture will be free for "smaller" businesses
Saw some tutorial on YT - I was unpleasantly surprised how many shots is needed for the job done. It'd need some AI involving
RE: A piece from my real job, not really sketchup related.
The initial BW charcoal looks the best
RE: SketchUp and DDR5 ram
@deanbuckeridge sounds like software/faulty file problem. Try more 'normal' solution like vantage or twinmotion
[REQ] repeat the last put on tag
I'm missing very simple micro plugin that'd allow shortcut to the last tag assignment .
Thanks -
RE: Simlab Soft
What was written in agreement? I doubt you have the right to cancel after 2 month of using it. Besides, almost for sure there is trial period to decide
RE: Twinmotion is free from late April
@pixelcruncher no judgments, just pure fact: Karba in Otoy apparently led to a HUGE headache for Jules