literally wrote the TM book
Sounds like a new religion
Got it from a burning bush in Sinai
literally wrote the TM book
Sounds like a new religion
Got it from a burning bush in Sinai
Skin is a dusty plastic - lacks subscattering. Vray GPU 7 years ago for comparison:
The artist has even made the character's veins, muscles, and bones underneath the skin.
@fredo6 could "smooth curve" from the attached video be implemented?
"project to scene" script at 1:59 is also fabulous
@Rich-O-Brien I'm not sure you'd grab 5090 for $2k in 2025/26. As usual it's 10k now
@Mike-Backman yep I see constantly it never got fixed for years. hopeless
@neapandele worked, thank you so much!
p.s. one of the buggiest plugins ever.
@fredo6 Fredo please implement selecting (by crossing window) and changing radius to multiple points simultaneously when editing polycorner arc curves. Currently selecting\editing vertices on-by-one is extremely limiting. Also please make plane lock sticky.
@Rich-O-Brien perlect quad flow model from the pic of rattan armchair? Haha we'll see
@Rich-O-Brien >>>It won't be long before ...
It's gonna be illustration of the 80/20 law. The last 20% of the job would take 80% ot the time. It won't be ready even in 15 years.
@nickchun wow it'd be extremely helpful to get it fixed
@AcesHigh >>Any suggestion on how do fix
The suggestion is don't use it )
It was bugsplatty from the start
@Mike-Amos hmm.. selecting with the right Control key always caused problems (deselecting). When I remapped one the of numpads key to the Control - problem is gone. Never thought generally in Logitech direction
@panixia I got a Jim's plugin made by my request which he removed from public later..When all instances stay selected, it creates an outer txt file with coordinates and transforms, and in the 2nd stage the plugin inserts all instances into "no context" based on this txt file. A bit tedious but already something.. Sometimes I'm too lazy and just throw the file to Max where all contexts are gone
@mtanure1234 also check su4you paint not free but very pleasant