Heres an interesting page on Rhino and sketchup.
Great animation by the way
Heres an interesting page on Rhino and sketchup.
Great animation by the way
Hi Pot-paris sorry it was of no use
Yes you can use the CTRL key when moving, and pick the insertion point or grasp point each time.
The idea with the technique was to be able to continually paste an object(and pick its grasp point), with it sticking to your cursor, as the Autocad copy function until you press exit or as in this case release CTRL&V. NB the selected object thats being copied and pasted has to be exploded,does not work with groups or components but it works OK when pasting inside groups. Quick video - don't know if that helps its my first one - sorry no sound.
I agree with you "it would be marvellous, if this 'remember-last-grasping-point' function when copying and pasting could be added to groups as well"
Sorry I don't know about 5 or know of ruby but if its anything like 6 with copy and paste -
@al hart said:
@unknownuser said:
Another item we have on the back burner - perhaps as part of the Wall project - is second display window for SketchUp which would add 2D CAD items to the SketchUp drawing - but only display them in the 2D CAD window.
This second window sounds very interesting, can you tell us more, is this run inside sketchup, or can it run as a separate instance but connected, like a preview window. Can you control what you view in it etc.
In terms of 2d cad what I would really like to see a set of rubies to go together with RPTools. The polyline is great as it does not auto infill faces, the Richtext input if it had alpha transparent background would be great.I know that I can now draw consistently in one plane, using set camera settings and views, but I would like a dimension tool that did not change text size as you zoomed in a out. An extend arc tool would be great, the extend ruby altered so that there was more control. An offset tool that worked on lines not just faces would be great. A copy properties tool would be very useful with printed line thickness by colour table would make my day, and lots of dashed/dotted lines and last but not least hatches (I suppose these could be materials with alpha backgrounds)
Basically a simple 2d cad package inside sketchup that could then be developed further.
I did find a way to change the insertion point when copying and pasting, in this thread, but quite involved, and it would far better it did it just 'remember-last-grasping-point'straight.
Merry Xmas Al - Thanks another free tool along with the tree image make - the elves has obviously been very busy.
Hi Squirrel there is also RpEdits see this post that has a scale interface and other tools and is free
The only one I know of is is part of Rptools and is called Aim component and Purchase
Just a thought has anybody tried the viewer, it does appear to take as long to rotate etc, surely this has the inferencing and rubies etc turned off If inferencing etc is slowing down the program wouldn't the viewer be faster if they are indeed off.
There a number of ways using scale or tape measure see links below
Gunawan has just posted links to lots of useful videos and there is a whole tut area with and an index.
The index
The Tut Forum
Hi Linea thats the Halifax Piece Hall is I'm not mistaken, if it is I used to visit it many times when I lived up north. Its a lovely building.
Just thought - are you always using the button with the circular arrows to apply the update style changes as otherwise when importing it reverts to back to the default ie textured view
@pmiller said:
Annoying yes. Make a keyboard shortcut to close the material browser.
Just hit ESC key and material browser closes, but leaves paint bucket or alt for picker (PC)
@matthew.robert said:
Not sure on the PC, but the Material browser is not even collapsible
On PC clicking once on blue materials bar shuts it down to just that blue bar, clicking again opens it back up. Bar can be moved where you want, even off the sketchup window.
Hi cherepax what size was the model, and were you using IRender Lite or IRender nXt.
You can use the batch rendering in IRender nXt which is for larger models and quicker rendering.
I have not tried Vray yet, but if you are having problems there is a clear button in IRender for individual material settings, so you can revert back to the original sketchup materials.
There is also a ruby from TIG that can change all or selected to say default material, or to what you need.
There is also a thread started by jackson on a new ruby by Matt666 that helps with materials in Vray - its definitely worth a read.
How about the free one by RPS that is in space design- called select component does that help, its now part of the rpstools download but it keeps working after trial period.
And I suppose the slightly rotated issue in the unique textures to compensate for the the wobbling of the earth as we rotate They seem to thing of everything.
Thanks - I was beginning to wonder.
I tried importing the same brick texture into 6 and 7 with same sized squares, but created separately in each version and got the following result below or am I missing something when importing Is this what your getting
I was finding something odd with unique textures and posted in Bug Reports.
I don't know if its related, no body has confirmed if they are having same problem or if its problem, I suppose it only me. . I'll try it gain later now I have my glasses, see if I get same result.
When exporting as jpg I get the edges shown , but as you can see I was able get rid of some of them by selecting an edge then context click and select entity and make hidden.
Hi Vinnie
Having downloaded with both sizes then loading into PS got the following message below, clicked convert and re-saved and it loaded in to sketchup as it normal, without the funny stripping.
Tried it in paint opened up as normal, but would not save as a jpg, so saved a png, then resaved a jpg and then it imported into sketchup as normal.
I don't know if its me (Had my eyes tested yesterday, and will needed to get some glasses next week) but after playing around with the unique textures, which had been great when rendering with IRender nXt, something does not look right.
The unique1 skp attached shows what happens when I copy and paste simple square with carpet applied, then make the texture unique and the pattern changes very very slightly, and seems to be corrupted.
The unique2 skp attached shows simple original object with material applied and adjusted randomly, then I copy and paste all and make texture unique again and it appears to change becoming more clearer . I then exported them both and they are different as you can see below. Shouldn't they be unique but the same .
Or It could be my old eyes playing tricks on me, or I'm doing something wrong, or missing something.