@box said:
It's one of those situations where making a tree structure in the Component window would reduce the group/component argument. Not erase it but reduce it. By that I mean some way of reducing the number of or filtering out some components.
Makes me wonder if an aftermarket Component Browser is possible as a plugin.
D'oh, forgot about interloide's one.
maybe just a new definition of what they are? (not new-- just a new way of explaining them?)
i'd use components all the time if i didn't have to deal with the additional dialog.. (then further- what you're getting at.. managing of components)
groups are to prevent stickyness when necessary (like- if sketchup didn't have automerging of geometry, i'd hardly ever use them anymore except when simply making a selection set)
components are for what they do.
i mean, that's basically what it boils down to for me but probably not any clearer to explain them that way.. i do think (fairly strongly) they both have their place in sketchup though and don't think it would be too wise to eliminate groups from the program.