@trogluddite said:
The classic example of course, is coming across an item in a menu with a name you've never seen before. "Oooh, it's in the same menu as the tools I use loads, could be a useful time-saver." - clicks help file...
"Discombobulationator - use this tool for discombobulationating."
Thanks a bunch! (Corel in particular seem good at this trick).
Years ago, before I discovered SU, I picked up a little freebee drafting app from TUCOWS.
It seemed simple enough and was aimed at drawing flow charts, which I needed at the time.
One of the first things I did was click on HELP, then "Documentation".
Here is a short extract as I remember it........
Drawing Tools.
LINE Use this tool to draw lines
CIRCLE Use this tool to draw circles
BOX Use this tool to draw boxes
You get the gist....
Then at the bottom of HELP was the "On-line website Help file"
So I clicked on it.........
It opened a page that was IDENTICAL to the Help documentation.
I guess my first clue should have been the web address..... ending in .RU
It was pretty good at drawing flow charts, but a bitch to edit anything, especially text.
Scrappo after 3 hours of frustration.