@matte said:
I tried Thom Thom's (Version 15) to convert tri's to quads, but nothing is happening? I don't mind buying a plugin
Its free.
@matte said:
I only know how to import the .OBJ files into sketchup.
Use the OBJ importer included with QuadFace Tools when importing and see if it imports the mesh as Quads
@matte said:
I did a lot of "you must be crazy" cleanup of things,
Cleaning meshes in SketchUp only reduces file size but tends to mess with the normals
@matte said:
So far it is working, I just need to learn how it works better.
You are on the right track. Brute force it and learn as you go.
I would import the OBJ into Blender and then export the it to OBJ because Quadface Tools OBJ Importer respects Blender Quads. That's presuming the mesh is quad compliant already.
If not. you can convert tris to quads in Blender with ALT+J then export.