💡 LightUp 7.1 | SketchUp's only real-time renderer that uses object-based rendering Download Trial
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    @bjanzen said:

    You can have more than one window open: Window->New Window for Page blah.


    Oh, Duh! Perfect. Except we need the self-updating cross-references. 😄

  • LayOut, Document Set Up

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    thanks for the clarity,
    I knew they had a function, it just seemed when i pressed them, nothing really happened...
    but then again I am an old dawg and this is a new trick..

  • Layers, Pages, On every page, in LayOut

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    @redinhawaii said:

    I asked the question, if I have "on every page" set as visible and active, can I modify it (in this case the title block) unique to THAT page, i.e. have a distinct number? Yes
    and lock it for That page on each page or is it just "global" all the time? No,It can be local (per sheet)
    and what would be the difference / application for having a template (in this case a title block) vs having the title block "on every page"
    what I found with the template was that when I clicked "additional page" within my title block template, I got the right sized paper but my title block did not carry over.
    What am I doing wrong here? You need to add a "duplicate page" not just another (blank) page........please ref attached image.

    Open any of the default LO title block templates and experiment with the add duplicate page (inside page) and see if these get you closer to where you want to be.


    ![LO PC Screengrab of "add duplicate page"](/uploads/imported_attachments/5tRW_SP04.jpg "LO PC Screengrab of "add duplicate page"")

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    yes yes yes, please make l.o work just like the skp.

  • Bug or Bad Practices?

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    I have a couple problems.

    Camera Jumping—

    Often when I go from view edit mode the camera view jumps significantly, so I can no longer see the relevant part of the model if I see any at all.

    Scale Selects Improperly—

    Often when I set a scale in an orthogonal view the scale does not select the number I click on. It's not possible to set scale if the view is not orthogonal. I don't know if matters if it's in view edit mode or not when this happens, but I remember times when it was not.



  • Collection of template

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    No one has replied
  • Scenes in LayOut

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    I've found it easiest to create multiple styles and control them in the various scenes, even turning them on and off in a window in LayOut looking at my embedded model.

    Styles can have sections on / off and the planes active or hidden.

    When you update your scenes it may ask you to 'save a new style'. I do this, then name is something that defines what it is / how it works. Once these are set - you can apply them to ANY window in LayOut - regardless of what scene / setting you originally set the model up in... I have 2 color styles with sections on / off and 2 BW hidden line styles with sections on / off. I can quickly (relative here in LayOut!) change the entire drawing from color to BW line art...

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    Well, you could draw a scale in SketchUp, send to LayOut and make it Ortho with a scale (I chose 1" = 1', but this can be changed), vector render the model, add text labels in LayOut, and save as a Scrapbook called Scales.layout. That's what I did. 😄

    Of course, you can create a prettier scale drawing, pick a better font, etc..




  • Dimensioning Viewports?

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    OK, I got it.

    It seems to work in relation to the handle that was just dragged. So if you pull a handle on an edge, you can only enter one value, for either the width or height. In order to enter horizontal and vertical dimensions, you have to drag from the corner first.

    Not obvious, but it does make sense.

    Thanks EJE for the fast reply....


  • Is my computer good enough?

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    Mate my system is CRAP and to get a workflow happening in LO with large images imported it helps if you firstly open the image in PS and use the "save for the web function" to reduce image quality, you can re-reference this later to the original if needed!

    In some cases I also have to section the image up if it is a very large trace, make a few yariations of your base image, section it to say 6 parts with white space for the rest, import the first image trace that space then re-refernce the image with the next section and so on. The massive white space drops the image size considerably!

  • Resolution problem to export to PDF an A1 drawing

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    @jhauswirth said:

    I think the problem might be the same as the z-fighting issue.
    The dashed lines consistently render while in hidden line mode so I don't think it is Z-fight related.
    Are the lines on the same plane as the faces they are drawn on?
    Yes (in test file)
    Can you pull the lines up off the ground/faces by a very small
    amount and see how it looks then?
    I tried this (+ 1/8") and it did not resolve the missing line segmnets

    Thanks for you help on this,

  • Trouble with SketchUp-Styles in Layout 2.1.6860

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    thanks bjanzen!

  • Are shared Scrapbook symbols available?

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    I'm wondering if anyone has more plan view trees and shrubs for Layout they'd be willing to share with me. thanks, Keea

  • Cannot open Layout

    LayOut Bug Reporting
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    @jhauswirth said:

    There has been a very long-standing bug with LO where it crashes on startup.
    It happens when the 8-hour demo period is over and SketchUp converts to Free.
    Then when you try to start LO it isn't licensed and tries to force-exit the app,
    but it crashes instead. We have mostly seen this in non-English builds.
    We think we have this fixed in the next release of 8.0 (M1). But LO won't
    start anyways since the license is expired.

    I experienced that LO wouldn't start - it'd become unresponsive after the Tip of the Day window appeared.
    My SU Pro is registered. But I had changed it from a demo license to a new one.

    I restarted it a few times and got the same behaviour. Then I let it just sit there for a while, a couple of minutes, and then it became responsive again. Could it be that it was authenticating the license - and thereby hanging the app until it got response?

  • Line weights for Layout

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    @jhauswirth said:


    that´s very promising

  • Pages selection crashes LO

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    Tim - in the file I just fixed, you couldn't get to the page with the offending view because it'd crash, because it appeared that the links to the model did a somewhat halfway update (or it updated raster views and not vector/hybrid views). We go in and look at the XML to see what doesn't make sense, but it appears to be all related to changing the model (adding geometry, having "Fix Problems" run on the SketchUp model - which is changing geometry, etc...) but then on TOP of that having some condition in LayOut that causes a failure to pick up the updates completely.

    Please submit files you get that are horked up, and we'll fix 'em for you. We're getting closer to a solution. Fortunately, this is fairly rare. In the mean time, save regularly (model and .layout).


  • Section of Timber Frame

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    Hi Karen.

    I generate timber frame shop drawings with Layout quite extensively.

    What follows is my work flow; which I have developed with a bunch of trial and error.

    The key move is to make a separate SU file for each part of your system; great room, Master Bedroom, etc.

    I use this new file for my Layout work.

    I isolate each part of the frame that I want to dimension and I move them around in model space until I can dimension them and place them in Layout without seeing any extraneous members.

    I do all of my dimensioning in SU, particularly with timber frames because you have so many instances where faces aren't flush and you have to rotate the model to get the point you need, which is a royal pain in Layout.

    Once I have my new SU file, with everything dimensioned, then I can insert it into Layout and then navigate, in each viewport, to the view I want.

    I don't use scenes in SU, though this would make things easier, becaue I experience a weird and annoying glitch with SU where, when I hit my middle mouse button to navigate, it jumps to a scene. This makes it impossible for me to "work" a model with scenes, so I have figured out work arounds.

    So, the new SU file, when complete, is a mess of dimensions, and pieces all over the place, but everything far enough apart from each other to not interfere with my views in Layout. In your particular case, I would isolate the bent and dimension (at scale), I would isolate each timber in the bent, and give dimensions (not to scale as I display timbers isometrically), and I would have a scale plan view, with necessary walls, etc.

    Hope this helps.

  • Transparency in PDFs

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    Hi Gary,

    Well, I must have looked elsewhere "when I was still online" so sorry for coming back so late to this.

    I do not think the dimension tool should have anything to do with the layers. However under arrange (menu), you can set snapping to object or grid. When set to object, it dimensions the model (until you explode it) while with grid snap on, it will dimension paper space. I am not sure what was set to you as when selecting the dimension tool, it should automatically toggle object snap on and grid snap off (AFAIK)

  • Size of imported PNG files

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    Being able to set the import dpi would probably be best.

    However, if Layout is expecting a certain resolution number consistently, I could adjust the output from AutoCAD as necessary. PNG images of black and white line work aren't very big so increasing the resolution would be OK for me.

  • Fine Control of Dimension Snap points?

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    There IS dimension constraint in SU!
    Here's an image to show drafting assistant helping me select the plane in which my dimension exists.
    I wouldn't be expecting to find it in LO if it weren't in SU. I can see from your pictures that you didn't pull the dimension away from the geometry being dimensioned. IRL you never put dimensions right on the line being measured; it's illegible in the field.

    I'm not looking for this to be used in perspective, although the behavior should be consistent across the whole SU platform, regardless of what view you're in.

    Please do add this as a feature request. There are a lot of people trying to use SUPro to make construction documentation, including me. It's almost never useful to reference the hypotenuse of anything.