Good points, and some of these answer the question "why is LayOut still called a beta".
I'll try to answer a few of these.
If it's for a template, I'd group things and lock the layer for your template.
Text box sizing is something we're working on. If text is clipped, in most (should be all, but it's not) cases a red arrow should show up indicating that all the text is not displayed. We're working on this.
What links are outdated? Make sure you turn on "Check references when loading this document" in Document Setup. You can also right click on a model and see if the contextual menu enables "update reference". Would you like some permanent indication when the model is out of date?
Always working on performance...
Hmmm... haven't seen this. Is this from the contextual menu (right click->Arrange->Send Back) or the Arrange menu? You have something selected and it doesn't work? An example would be helpful here.
Kill, or maybe "stop doing and undo... I was just kidding and I didn't really mean to do that and why are you taking so long to do this operation"? Escape (as you mentioned), Undo, or try to quit then don't are a few choices.
This is confusing to all of us, and we working at how to communicate Scenes, styles, styles that are modified but not update, etc... you're definitely not alone on this one. We'll keep trying.