@cotty said:
It's fixed!
Yup, our update affected this (it's served from 3dwarehouse). Sorry, thanks for your patience.
@cotty said:
It's fixed!
Yup, our update affected this (it's served from 3dwarehouse). Sorry, thanks for your patience.
We've just completed a big step in 3dwarehouse, adding in the comments we had at Google with a new & better system for them. See the blog for more details - http://sketchupdate.blogspot.com/2015/03/3d-warehouse-comments-are-back.html
Yea, but by updating to IE 11, you also avoid a Zero-day attack. Please keep browsers current to avoid attacks. http://www.symantec.com/connect/blogs/new-internet-explorer-10-zero-day-discovered-watering-hole-attack
ps - Andrew, YOU get a free trip to 3DBasecamp, too! #feelingLikeOprah
My thoughts:
In general, people don't like upgrading IE if they don't use it, but do yourself a security favor and keep every browser on your hard drive up to date.
So it appears that things were degrading over time, and at 12:45 today things were fixed. If you're still seeing slowness tonight, post here.
The palettes is a known thing (we've fixed in a future version). The importer not found is strange. It worked for me just as it did in Mountain Lion. Perhaps repairing permissions, or confirming that it actually is located at
/Applications/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp.app/Contents/PlugIns
I have 14 plugins in that directory. Do other importers work - e.g. KMZ (Google Earth) would probably be the easiest to test.
If you haven't updated your driver in the past month, I would. It looks like they did a bunch of updates on Oct 15th that include 10.9. Then repair permissions, and restart.
As of today, Google turned off Maps Javascript API v2. You can read about the details and how to fix the broken Add Location on Lion and Mtn Lion here: http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=55110
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up on a feature that will be broken today. It's affected by the fact that we no longer can put files up on google.com, while at the same time Google is dropping Maps Javascript API 2 today. Here's what will happen:
If you're on Lion or Mountain Lion (10.7 or 10.8) with SketchUp 8 or SketchUp 2013, Add Location will fail. You get to this either by the little "Google Placemark" button in the lower left of the SketchUp window (then clicking "Add Location", by the Menu File->Geo-location->Add Location, or by Model Info->Add Location. You will be able to go to a location and click "Select Region", then "Grab". Then buttons will disappear, but the ground plane imagery will not show up and your model will not be geo-located.
Please read the thread at http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/sketchup/7xC3udp-TaE
The other things affected by this change are "Photo Textures" and "Generate Report" in SketchUp 7 on Mac & PC. SketchUp 7 is no longer supported.
If you notice anything else, please post here or on our Product Forum thread listed above. Thanks.
Are you getting to crash reports, and are you sending them in? This looks like Microsoft... are you not getting BugSplat?