Cannot insert an clip in animator what is longer 4sec.
Ciao bella animator fredo6 community. Crazy day today; since some hours today I cannot even more insert an clip whitch is more than 4 sec into the timeline within animator fredo6. I dont know what I have done? certanly my fall; but I now already play some hourse to fix it; but without success. Would be grat to get an hint what was happen and what is to do to fix it. By the way; very very great tool this grandiose ANIMATOR FREDO6. Hope for help. AAhh some more info in this case. I have also the same software (Animator_v3.7a and LibFredo6_v12.9a) on a second PC and he has the same error. Saluti Rolf
Hi Rich; thanks for your hint. But it does not run like your suggest. The triangles cannot be moved. At least on my surface. They light up red yes; but cannot be moved. I suspect I have somewhere else unintentionally changed a parameter in the main settings. Because I have already created several animations with clips that do not have such a timeline bar because the length of the clip is selected via the "duration" function.
