@jql said:
That feudalism was based on these things: war, power, money and leisure.
Romans who had power, dedicated to leisure and paid other people to do war for them. Those mercenaries got successful and got promoted into power.
And a successful predemocratic culture gave birth to a powerful war culture.
Culture is always there but in certain contexts, certain forms of culture are more valid than others.
The culture of leisure is everywhere in our society and employs a lot of freelancers.
The culture of war is hidden away from society's eyes but it's still there and very present. I wonder how long will we be able to keep it away.
I've heard some other factors to the "fall" of the empire if not feudalism: failure to assimilate (that is fully accept and empower) tribes who were doing the warring/security for the rich Romans in the end, and intolerance in general. Sound familiar?