Do you have the points or are creating form scratch.? ThomThom's tool set has some plugin that are similar to cubic spline interpolator you may want to try for points. Sorry don't have the URL I'll see if I can run down tomorrow AM.
Check out AECbytes Tips and Tricks Issue #42 ( May 22 2009) for Bezier
RE: BezierSplines Headache
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoScale - v3.6a - 01 Apr 24
Thanks fredo
I heed the previous warnings and roll it up before doing any thing.
It appears I am at 2.0i so will update and look for diff
Update: 2.1a gives same result -
RE: [Plugin][$] FredoScale - v3.6a - 01 Apr 24
Su 7.1+ plus here and see the following:
- Bug splat for the stretch of the 2 cubed group and can get a bug splat for stretch of just one of them. No bug splat for stretch of one stand alone, before making copy.
- Outliner shows the two groups. Report back to 1 by entering edit mode and leaving confirmed
3)Instead of making groups the cube1 and cube2 were made in nested component then no bug splat. Checking placement of stretching plane shows the tool will change the definition, say of cube2 if plane is thu it and not cube2 in other instance of cubed into differnt instances.
Ckecking version , may have 2.0
RE: Sketchup will not open.
I always worry when things are working and stop all of a sudden. You may want to think about what you were doing/ making changes just before this happened so you can prevent it in the future.
RE: Adjustable desk feet
As long as it is not stand alone I would not worry. You must plan on someone setting or even standing on it ( children). Beating them after the fact does not help
RE: Adjustable desk feet
Just open your skp. Concerned about the feet location and possible over turning of the desk if someone sits on it unless you have it stabilized some other way . The rotation will be when the cg gets out side of the fall axis based on loads. The monitors are probably not real heavy so the axis you need to look at is between the two outside legs. You probably want a safety factor so 1.5 x design weight maybe -
RE: Adjustable desk feet
up date 4-4
Not knowing where you are located makes commercial references iffy. Woodcraft, Rockler here in the US have a number of adjustable feet and Lee Valley / Veritas in Canada. Look them up on the internet.
Some other out of the box thoughts: Make legs longer than needed and cut to fit in place; Make some adjustable wedges( apposing) you can slide under the legs. You could cut and then glue these on if you don't like that appearance. For glue ups I some times take paper bag material , apply glue and use that as an interface between the two pieces I am using to get some parallel gluing (sb clamping) surface. It is strong but yet can be knocked off. I have not used this approach on end grain however so strength is ?? -
RE: Tape measure tool
@dave r said:
A guideline can be infinite and deanlegg's are or the can end in a guidepoint. It depends upon what you use as the reference for the guide geometry. Even if the are infinite in length, though, they shouldn't be visible through faces unless those faces have transparent materials applied to them. If they are visible through an intervening face it would suggest that the graphics aren't displaying things correctly.
So I think the bottom line is they don't stop at the face but will appear on the other side and the only issue is how the transparency is set
RE: Hard to Trim "Fredo6 - Curviloft" Shapes
Unless there is a significant model difference ,I did test my suggestion with cases of sphere and cylinder intersections and it worked very nicely.
Can you post your model or maybe a section thereof. I think you are making things more difficult for yourself -
RE: What kinda calculator do you use??
Many of the big box stores ( Lowes and Home Depot) in the US carry construction type cals that have the fraction functions you want and they also can lay out stairs etc. so check your local area. Vertias comes to mind and you get get the link on the internet and they are located in Canada Maybe a internet search would return what you want. I use the cal that comes with windows for hex, binary etc conversions. It does not have a fraction function but does store irrational numbers ie 1/3 vs .3333 I think and up to 32 bits so repeated use will accumulate error. If you have windows check programs accessories and look for the calculator
BTW I hanging around on my desk HP41c programmable and can use magnetic cards,HP 11c and HP45 one of the very first super slide rules out even has a LED display! -
RE: Wrong curve length
For what is worth;
Don't have Su8 so have not looked at your zip but: Be aware SU can at times report lengths in terms of the sum of the segments making up the curve and and some times the theoretical length. If you draw a arc with r radius and angle theta it reports lenght as r x theta( radians) If you now explode the arc it will then report the length as the sum of segments.
I tried to import to Su by opening the file in CAD and saving as dxf. The report I see in SU7 the curve is repoted as an arc as a radius and length as above. Scaling in the blue( z) direction which is perpendicular to the red(cord) length causes the curve to report length now as sum of segments vs therotical ARC length. Of course the cord length stays the same. Also be aware scaling operates in relation to the bounding box so say you have a cirle in a group and scale trying to change the dia. If you are not careful the results will not be what you expect depending on the axis you scale a how the circle is oriented with regard to the bounding box,IE vertex vs segment. -
RE: [Plugin][$] Curviloft 2.0a - 31 Mar 24 (Loft & Skinning)
Escape Artist
Some observations ref your model for what they are worth:
1)I was expecting to see the bulk head curve length for what I thought was the keel line to each side to be equal but in most cases there is almost a 2 to 1 difference. Not boat designer, is this normal??
2) At bulk head number 2, counting from stern as #1, this is an obvious kink in the "keel" curve fit just before #2. This IMHO maybe causing some problems. Better tangent here my help??Still seeing the self intersecting faces in the SU model but only 1( 4 to 5 range before) after the deletion of duplicte vertices which are now 1714 vs 6983 so my hand springs to get from SU8 to SU7 causing some problems.
You may want to run ThomThom,s clean up tool to see if it helps any. That can be done with in SU. It will not give same stats as quoted above. I used TIG's extrude by rails and it gives the same ripple in the surface at the area mentioned above as Fredo's tool does and reason for looking there.
I will be doing more checks and will let you know if I find anything more of interest
Good Luck
UpDate Date 3 Apr1) Yes I noted shortly after post the model is only portion of Hull;
2) Self intersecting faces traced to dae and /or kmz conversion I do to get into mesh tool. Kmz gives same result but if dae does not have the option of triangulate set then it does also. With it set see only very few and these can be deleted and corrected in SU
3) Attempting to better fit the chine using a cubic spline interpolation did not give any significant changes in surface result -
RE: [Plugin][$] Curviloft 2.0a - 31 Mar 24 (Loft & Skinning)
As a point of clarification. I am not implying there is any thing wrong with the plugin. I found cases where I have made simple models that show this character and think it is caused by my sloppy approach of applying some of the constraints one must follow when modeling especially when using the follow me tool. I have a feeling if the suggestions made by Fredo are followed this my not show up or its the hand springs I am going through to get the model.
Thanks again -
RE: [Plugin][$] Curviloft 2.0a - 31 Mar 24 (Loft & Skinning)
escape artist
Any chance to get the above example loaded to the 3 d ware house so it can be open in SU7.Other wise I have to go dfx and then Su7. Getting these results and would like to see if the conversion is causing problems -
RE: Follow Me without the rotation
Fololow me and keep does not rotate but in some cases it does not keep the heigt constant. 1001 Bits tools does but it's $ but does have a 30 day trial period
RE: The Invisible Camera: Harnessing the power of ambient light.
1)Ambient light means 4 pi steradians and implies some will be normal and seems to beg the question of how it does not affect the film:2)They assert treatment in the photon region and not the wave region of light and amplification implies some type of coherency to get the high gains they claim and I wonder how they will over come Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. I vote for 04/01 until the documented physics behind there claim is presented. If his is so great they would have a patent first?? :
For the believers a trick question: "A man is walking on a pier in Atlantic City carrying a bucket of water and seals are at the end of the pier barking. The man at the end of the pier throws the water into the ocean. What happens to the entropy of the universe? -
RE: Hard to Trim "Fredo6 - Curviloft" Shapes
Can't tell from your jpeg but it looks like you are losing faces at points where there are no intersection. I think part of your problem maybe the sequence of how you are doing the intersection. Suggest you make a simple model of say two cylinders and experiment some first. If you do not explode and intersect them you will have created a separate entity that does not modify either of your components. Try taking that entity and then intersect it with the exploded target component you are trying to trim. Hopefuly then you can select the protion of that target( it can be pulled off to the side from the other component) you no longer want and delete so it will now fit the other component as desired?? I don't do this enough and get a head ach very time I try so, thus reason for the simple model
You may need to run the make faces plugin after your are done if you have lost some faces
post your model on the 3 d ware house if possible, working with images loses a lots of info in the process -
RE: Tape measure tool
Boy and all these years I thought that was SOP. Isn't the result based on the type of guide line you create. I can make an infinite guide line or one at spec length??
RE: Odd appearance - how do I get rid of this?
Instead of playing a thousand and one question why not upload the model to the 3 d warehouse so it can be looked like in detail. That would probably save a lots of time??
The model size seems very large 55MB vs what appears should be simple and looks like aliasing but not quite. Make sure you purge your model and get rid of all extraneous things not in the model or I would even go further and get rid of all materials , cleanup removing stray edges and see what happens when coplanar faces are removed although will probably break your model. At that size you may need to zip it to upload if it will compress far enough. For such a simple model why not re draw and see if problem comes back??
What does this look like in just 2d with out the extruded thickness?? Is there any hidden geo causing the large file size?
Have you tried w/o hardware accel? Have you tried adjusting the anti alias??
The more I look at image the more I am thinking it is a small size issue.
Can you explain why the apparent break across the dia. Use the create.
face tool that comes with SU and select the edges of one of those a see if you can force face formation.
Is the large file size from other portions of the model you are not showing in the image?
BTW way you are around the corner, Littleton here -
RE: How can I make bigger or smaller ?
Like so many things in life things are not as simple as they appear. Rich is dead on for say a wire frame model. For a entity , say a building with thick walls, the scale tool scales every thing so if you are scaling in a direction that is perpendicular to say the end walls they will be scaled in thickness also. Like wise if you sale a picture frame in width( rail direction) the stiles will scale in width. There are pulgins , Freedo Scale for instance and other techniques, like using the move tool in combination with a cutting plane to work around these type of issues.
Hope I am not confusing you