It maybe worth while to check out the soap, skin and bubble plug in at http://www.tensile-structures.de/sb_software.html
It would help if you post your model . Otherwise we have to draw from your jpg but have no dimensions
RE: Face to Grid/Mesh/Something
RE: Identical Objects/Excessive Polygons
Additional thought:
Use the widow outliner. If you select group 19 per Gaieus' example above it will high lite in your model, if it is the item you want the outliner gives you the capability to select all of them. There are plugins which will change those to individual components. Once that is done the component browser has the capability to replace a number of selected components with the one you have selected in the browser. So selected all the components with the outliner and replace them with the one you want in the browser and will accomplish what I think you want. Purge your component browser of unused ones then. You will still have a number of instances but based on one definition
Note; I think it helps to roll up the outliner for some of the large ops so the program is not printing all the info to screen. In addition the orientation of a replacement is in relation too the two component axis. You may want to read up on that -
RE: Awning problem
push pull works normal to the surface so around corners is a problem. Use the follow me tool , think of a section through your awning ( so it will probably look like an L shape with top part of it slanted to account for the slope and the bottom the " eave". Draw this and have it follow a line you have drawn. The follow me needs a small surface to work on so you will have to add thickness to the material to get that ref.
See this link http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sketchup+follow+me+tool&aq=0 -
RE: [Plugin] CleanUp
For what it is worth
I play around with other non SU mesh analysis tool(s)for own education and often find SU self intersecting faces, zero area faces and duplicate vertices but the SU models looks very good. It would be nice to know what "fix problems" really means. -
RE: Display issues
Win Xp and 7.1 here but, while in the Open GL pref have you an option to change the antialiasing. If so try that also.
RE: How to ????
I am like an old pack rat collecting possible things of interest. Vista has some SU files, see if any help http://www.visalighting.com/site/resources/bim-building-information-modeling
RE: "Upgrade" to Windows 7 from XP
Dave r
You are a trusting sole. You question Easy Install but still let auto update run.?? Microsoft installed kb905474 under the disguise of a security upgrade but it was really their sneaky way to implement the WGA ( Windows Genuine Advantage) on everyone's computer without their direct knowledge. Ever hear of the WGA nag screen?? I vowed at the time it would be the last windows OS I ever use but have yet to switch to ubuntu => lazy -
RE: Sketchup's Strategic Planning?
You post got me curious so did limited search. What I found is what is was afraid I would find. The Google Security and Exchange fillings by them is very vanilla. I logged on to the Google Labs to see what they were posting without much in sight there either. The 2010 base camp presentation by John Backus for SU 8 release gives you a feel where they will be going. You can get the corporates VP name from that also for possible contact. Have not found a SU org chart which many times are not well published. You my want to e mail Jonh Bacus and see if he is willing to provide you any info. He does post on the help forum at times. -
RE: "Upgrade" to Windows 7 from XP
Was almost at the end of post for you and had a power transient so will and try to keep this short so I can off. From the MS knowledge base it looks like you are stuck with a custom install. They recommend you buy an external hard drive to help with transferring and use what they call Easy Install. Hope you have disk and installers for all your programs. It may be worth some time organizing your presents files to help. See this link http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/help/upgrading-from-windows-xp-to-windows-7
RE: [Plugin] CleanUp
Possibility of " other" errors. I don't know what the program float is, single, double etc but a 32 bit float only has a equivalent 24 bits. See IEEE 754 single precision floating point. In addition the Taylor series expansion, or what ever is used, of the arc trig functions could come into play althought I doubt you are using that?? -
RE: Sketchup's Strategic Planning?
Google is a public traded company so they file info with our Securities and Exchange Commission. Do a search on that and see if that leads to anything related to Sketchup. As a minimum there may be info on company officials or departments you can contact and request info. Don't forget to do a Google search where you may find some blogs on the subject also. Check info of the 2010 Basecamp http://sites.google.com/site/3dbasecamp2010/basecamp-videos for some info. Real( In depth) plans will not be overly publicized as they are in the business to make money and don't want to give too much info to the competition. Even employees unless they are level 1, 2,3 mangers will probably not have much info either. -
RE: Help lofting
Have you found the plugin straylines at http://www.smustard.com/script/StrayLines. It really helps with this type of issue -
RE: Is There Any Way to Make This?
Jean thanks
Old school really helps.
I see getting second circle with triangle only problematic in finding the tangent points -
RE: Is There Any Way to Make This?
A tip.
I cannot open Jena's post since still on 7 so hope this is not a repeat
"They" had a compass also.
Consider this: You can inscribe a circle in a triangle by bisecting its angles and this will give the circles center.( Jean has a very creative way to do this. (Rotate one side to other and then /2). For the corner case this makes it very easy. For the smaller ones the question is where are the tangents points unless you want to make your model with many segments. In either case remember there are no real tangents in SU ( have not looked at TIG's true tangent plugin however). The reason I say this is the definition of a tangent is: " The limit of line through points 1 and 2 on a curve as point 2 approaches point 1". For SU you will get two different answers ( ie different line slopes ) as you approach a vertex from one direction vs another and therefore tangent does not exist. -
RE: New PC tower design
FYI for what it is worth:
The CPU , at least mine, has a self contained fan that mounts directly over it's top and is part of the Intel p4 I bought. The case has a tunnel that is height and sided to side adjustable so it can be position accurately over the CPU fan.( Inter change ability).Of course it is adjustable to marry to the rest of tunnel also to allow mother board, CPU and slot access etc. The case I have has two fans and another slot for a third. At the present time temps are:
Processor Zone 154 F, System Zone 1 114F, System Zone 2 138F. Processor Fan speed 3426 rpm( think this is full on) and rear fan 1355. The room temp is about 70 F so have a ~90F rise. Don't know dissipation off the top of may head. -
RE: Any suggestions about modelling a tufted futon matress?
I have a folder of how to,s I've collected for a while. This from the 4 09 time frame. I don't have the author info and maybe dated but perhaps it will give you some ideas. http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=f48b65c28d87667427d16763a0ff49
Update 0201 2011, found the author while looking for something else. It is catamountainThis is some data she has in the sage site.Here is a better link http://groups.google.com/group/Sketchup-Pro/browse_thread/thread/b97e3d2cb4fe0a75/117b0f68b52ee3f3 -
RE: New PC tower design
Are you building a computer or furniture??
IMO designing then building the computer is the first effort. You can then jazz it up with a fancy enclosure if you so desire with fans, ups retractable tops etc, etc. I made my design big to start with for several reasons. PC junction temp is the driver for life so good cooling to keep the delta T down is most important. Second I wanted to be able to modify easily so when our MS, Intel friends make changes and OEM guys want us to buy a new PC mine is just an upgrade. It is getting old now, about 5 years, but had a 3.2GHZ CPU for that time. No PCI express so that maybe the next step or wait for next major step which will probably be to get rid of all the cables and have one optical interface=> not external cable races etc. HEY!!! Flexibility should be the name of the game. -
RE: New PC tower design
Built my own computer few years ago. Much more important than the outside look is the inside.. You have the power supply, the cabling and the PIN outs, most have the EMI shields and the foot print holes for the industry spec mother boards, drive rails, all the cooling tunnels etc.and the all the mounting hardware( 100's of parts). I bought an ANTEC SonataII and think it has a nice look when the door is closed. This can be a huge design under taking