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  • Atelier

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  • Pdf's in scrapbook misbehaving

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  • Arbor in Layout (from Photo)

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  • Layout Examples?

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  • Layout keeps crashing!!

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    5 Posts
    I did not I will reinstall I also have tried deleting the google drive and it keeps telling me to stop running google drive (which I have) and won't delete it from my hard drive. ARGH!!!
  • Axis in layout

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Dave RD
    Good deal!
  • Problem exporting PDF from Layout

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    Dave RD
    Upload the file to DropBox and share the link.
  • Reflective Ceiling Plan - Lights

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    4 Posts
    Hi everyone, I wanted to share how I have solved the issue: I drew symbols presenting various lights on top of my floor plan (in Layout). I drew continious lines between each light fixture to the location of each light switch (in Layout). I then used a paint bucket sampling a dotted line (I found it in Scrapbook, I think. However if you draw one dotted line by yourself and then sample it with paint droplet (the same as we paint any surface) and apply it to each continious line, you will turn your solid lines into dotte lines within a minute. I created a table in Word (a table and the description). I then dragged a jpg image of the table into Layout. I then copied and dragged a symbol of each light switch into the corresponding tab of the table (I might have used it different layers in Layout for the table and for the symbols but I do not think it is neccessary). Tha is it. I spent quite a bit of time searching for the solution of creating a RFC and combining it with the description, but I could not find it. I am an interior decorator, not a designer or an architect. For the final school project, I had to use several software to make a final package: SketchUp - to draw the model Layout to organize RCP and the description of the lights. Word - to create the table and the description. InDesign - to put all renderings, pictures, RCP, etc together into a 55-page document. PDf: I think I addes some arrows at the end here. I have attached two pages of my Reflected Ceiling Plan submission. These two pages a part of a 55-page document that I then prepared in Indesign. That is it! Lena [image: IuHI_Reflectedceilingplan.JPG] [image: y9NV_RCPwithdimensions.JPG]
  • Yet another LO question

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    5 Posts
    @dave r said: You could upload the files to DropBox and share the link with me in a private message here. It's not my ProfileBuilder by the way. HA HA HA HA HA ! ! ! ! ! ! Now there is where Dale is coming from, I`m so sorry. My head is not screwd on right Btw, PM sent
  • List of Auto-Text comands/features ??

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    6 Posts
    Dave RD
    Ah... That Dale. No worries and I'm glad if I was helpful.
  • Dimensioning object at an angle in Layout

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    3 Posts
    Thank you for your reply, Dave. I am using SketchUp/LayOut 2020. That is certainly a workaround, but I would need to adjust my workflow to accommodate that... I use guidelines all the time, but I am a heavy user of the Edit -> Delete Guides function. It would be strange (for me) to leave a guideline in my model, is that something "normal" to do? The other workaround that I found was to draw a line on top of a model edge in LayOut, then draw a perpendicular line via the inference engine which creates points for me to snap a dimension to. The only problem there is that it does not snap to the model, and therefore does not reflect the scale of the model (see "9/16" dimension on attachment). I can remedy that by deleting the lines drawn in LayOut, then moving one of the "legs" of the dimension so that it snaps to the model, and therefore reflects the model scale. It's a workaround, but I guess it works. Would you have any other suggestions that I could try? Thank you again, Dave, I appreciate your expertise. [image: d0nm_Layout2020Screenshot-DrawingLinesforDimensions.JPG] [image: 3XbP_Layout2020Screenshot-DimensionnottoScale.JPG] [attachment=0:1s7smbvm]<!-- ia0 -->Layout 2020 Screenshot - Delete Lines & Snap Dimension Points to Model.JPG<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1s7smbvm] [image: ALQH_Layout2020Screenshot-DeleteLinesampSnapDimensionPointstoModel.JPG]
  • Reconnecting dimensions, overide?

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    4 Posts
    Dave RD
    Yes. Simply resizing the dimension doesn't do the job. You have to get into it and move the points. Glad you've got it sorted.
  • Activate section plane in Layout.

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    5 Posts
    Make a scene including a section plane and save it. You will need two "styles" in your Sketchup styles panel. One style must have the box checked to show section cuts; the other style should not have the box checked. Bring the scene into Layout as two copies. For one copy of the scene choose the style with section cuts shown. On the second copy of the scene choose style not showing section cuts.
  • Profil ou préférences Layout

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    2 Posts
    Dave RD
    Translated by Google: @teachix said: First off, sorry if my question has already been asked. I have been using Layout for a short time (1 month) and I would have liked to know if it is possible to create a standard profile (or environment, or preferences) in order to avoid resetting my line styles, dimensions, handwriting fonts and sizes, etc. with each new project? Yes. You can make your own template with all of those options set and more. Start with a new LayOut file, choose the correct paper size and orientation first. Then make the settings for font dimension and label styles, etc. When I make a new template I place sample of text, labels, and dimensions on the page and then adjust them to suit. After editing the samples, I get each of the three tools in turn, press s to sample the existing text, and make a new sample to confirm it looks like what I want. After I've done that for the three of them, I delete all of the text samples. You can also add layers for different entity types, e.g. SketchUp viewports, labels, dimensions, etc. You can also add page borders, title block, logo images, boilerplate text, page numbers, and so on. In Document Setup>Auto Text you can add various auto text things including custom text that can later be edited for the project. That can save a lot of time later when you are starting a new project. After you have everything set up the way you want it, use File>Save as Template to save it. By the way, before saving as the template I make sure my viewport layer is active. That way if I use Send to LayOut in SketchUp, my first viewport is on the correct layer automatically.
  • Auto text FILEPATH

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    6 Posts
    Dave RD
    @pibuz said: I wasn't saving my file so layout could not write the path. I guess that would be a reason for there to be no path. Glad you got it sorted.
  • Error code 107

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    3 Posts
    Thank you. I searched for Error code 107. I did not see that post. Thanks jm
  • Line style override is weak for solid line thickening

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Dave RD
    @pipingguy said: I wonder what else I have been overlooking. Admittedly I've been wondering what else you've been overlooking, too.
  • Free cad software to check export from LO

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Thanks all, very helpful!
  • Content Off-Centre when Printing or Exporting PDF

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    7 Posts
    2022 and I am having the same problem as OP. I've read two threads on this but can't find an answer that works. I've attached a one-page version of my file with all images, viewports, and file links removed to reduce file size. LAYOUT SETTINGS: Document Setup/Paper: 11" w x 8.5" h Document Setup/Paper: 1/4" margins all around Page Setup/Format for: I tried "Any Printer" and "Canon MX470 Series", which is the only printer I have. I also went through all the settings for my printer and don't see anything saying, print off center. And nothing else does prints off center, just Layout. Page Setup: US Letter. I tried portrait and landscape (why are these even options since I set height and width in doc setup?). EXPORT ATTEMPTS: Exported to PDF (my normal process): output skewed to left. Screenshot of output and of PDF export options attached. File/Print: output skewed to left. Screenshot of settings with print preview attached. File/Print/Save as PDF: output skewed to left. Export to JPG (or PNG): this works fine! So my workaround for this deadline was to export my entire document to PNGs, open the files in Photoshop, and export a multipage PDF. But I would really like not to go through that again, especially for longer documents. SYSTEM Layout 2021 (21.1.331) Mac OS Monterrey 12.1 (And although it's not relevant to this post, I'll add my voice to the chorus of Mac users begging for the Sketchup Default Tray option!) Any help greatly appreciated! [image: W7eV_ExporttoJPG.jpg] Dummy doc for help.layout Export to PDF.pdf [image: Jem2_PDFexportoptions.png] [image: nHLl_FilePrintSettings.png]
  • Blue Frame

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    4 Posts
    Dave RD
    Sorry. I wasn't trying to suggest that you should change the size of the model window for every project. Only that what you asked could be done that way. Here's an example of the second suggestion. In my LayOut template I have three viewports from a sample or dummy model. Each one shows a different scene in the SketchUp file. (I've turned off the title block and other layers for this.) [image: Ayy0_Screenshot-2_3_20226_53_08AM.png] The scenes in my project file have the same names as the scenes in my dummy SketchUp file in the template. [image: liFP_Screenshot-2_3_20226_54_55AM.png] After clicking Relink in Document Setup and choosing the project file the viewports look like this. [image: X1l5_Screenshot-2_3_20226_56_26AM.png] I did have to change the scale for the two elevations because my template is set up for furniture-sized projects, not buildings. In this case I just selected both of those viewports and changed their scale in one step.
