Wow, you guys are great, thanks for the quick, insightful replies.
I keep seeing light at the end of the tunnel only to be smashed by the falling debris... Something that would have taken me 4 days max drawing by hand has taken me 2 weeks, and still not done... but my clients look at the model NOT the orthographic drawings in the end... so I gotta figure a way thru this... just not cost effective currently.
I have evolved into the main model, the framing model, the parts models and the "assemblies" i.e. bits and pieces that show how things are to be constructed, like layers of the roofing assembly, plywood, roofing felt, flashing, drip edge, roofing, etc.
Biggest challenge is how to "keep it simple" when in fact buildings are getting more and more complex and the building department wants more detail, particularly hold downs and connectors...
I will endeavor to post more of my work, on my 4th full set of working drawings... and want to work on a list of "what I have learned and what I seek to learn" regarding best practices...
till now... this has been a very long tunnel.. thanks again