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  • Animation2.rb

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Hello Ross - I don't know. I needed to enable the extension to see it in SU7 Pro, and it went away when I turned it off the Ruby Examples and restarted.
  • Some plugins don't work SU 7. Organizer.rb at fault?

    0 Votes
    19 Posts
    Glad you got it working finally!
  • Changing scenes from Ruby

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Thanks Rick and Jim that helped!
  • Checkbox Menu item

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    I see. I never looked that that class yet. I just saw the UI::Menu class and thought that was the one. And there was nothing on the constants there. It says that UI.Command is the preferred way to add toolbars and menu items, but why? what's the difference and benefit?
  • Script idea...

    0 Votes
    12 Posts
    Here's a link to a plugin that does what you want for max. Might give developers ideas on how to do it for SU. http://www.vg2max.spb.ru/PolygonMap.htm
  • Back slashes in read_default

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Al HartA
    Thanks for helping look into this Jim. GetSaveFile probably accepts the / as well. (I didn't test it). I have always been a little disappointed in UI.openpanel. Using Win32API.so (which requires that you install a second file with your plugin and only works with Windows Apps), lets me specify patterns for acceptable extensions, and also to specify a default extension to be appended if the user doesn't enter one. And the GetOpenFile version lets me require that the file exist before the use can hit OK. Small things. But it is too bad that SketchUp can't find the time to update some of their routines. (This could easily be done with either new routines, or optional parameters, to make them a little more useful.) However, the main point of the original post is that it would be nice if you could pass write_default() a string and have it save it and return it, without having to "reverse engineer" which characters don't work.
  • SectionCutFace.rb

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    I had the same problem with this script in version 7. I downloaded the latest version and it worked. Try that. Best
  • Boat hulls and such like

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    This Tutorial for modelling boat hulls may help you... http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=9652 Created some time ago. Good luck ... Regards Howard L'
  • Should we / could we learn Ruby?

    0 Votes
    25 Posts
    I'd say that if ruby scripting tingles your curiosity then go for it. It's fun learning something new, isn't it? Having said that, you'll have a steeper learning curve if you've never touched scripting before. You'd have to get to grips with the concepts of scripting in general, the ruby syntax, then the SU API. I've done JS, PHP, VBS scripting and some Visual Basic and C# programming, but only looked into SU ruby scripting these last couple of weeks. That makes it somewhat easier to break faster into the creating as oppose to learning. I consider myself more of a visual person than a scripter. I work with visualisations at an architectural office. But I also like scripting as I like to 'make things work'. Earlier I used to do webdesign, which allowed me a nice combination of working with graphics and working with code. Now it's SketchUp that fills that void. I'm not a fan of sudoko, but instead I do scripting to feed the problem-solving part of my brain. I wouldn't have gotten anywhere with scripting had I not had an interest for it. Learn Ruby, if you want to your self. Not because you feel you owe anyone anything.
  • Request; Ruby for making SU tutorials

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    ...er, that about does it! I searched but I didn't see that one. Thanks! Peter
  • User defined functions

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    or can I have something like this, when I leftclick on any object, it opens a webdialog?
  • Duda (no hablo ingles)

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    @123zxy said: -Perdon por seguir escribiendo en español pero no hablo ingles aunque entiendo algo- Quisiera saber si me pueden ayudar Alguien sabe como hacer que las toolbars se transformen en listas desplegables como las de la foto que envio? La imagen la saque de un tutorial de del **Arquitecto Pete Stoopel (SOLO)**en estas paginas ( muy bueno por asi decirlo) Pido disculpa por el uso de esta pero la necesitaba como ejemplo Gracias.Carlos Saludos, te escribiré en español pero sabes que puedes traducirlo al ingles con la herramienta de google traductor, Mira en la parte superior en ventanas están todas las herramientas desplegables, activalas y toca la parte superior para que se despliegue, arrástralas y la unes en la parte inferior una por una, así podrás abrirlas y cerrarlas cuando quieras. (traduccion al ingles). (http://translate.google.com) Greetings, you write in Spanish but you know that you can translate it into English with the google translator tool, look across the top and windows are all tools deployable, Activate and touches the top to deploy, drag and join in bottom one by one, so you can open and close the door anytime.
  • Help: Paths & Co

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Only the Ruby method "Require" and "Load" use the globals $: and $". For other methods loading files such as icons or images, the path is taken from the method arguments, without reference to the absolute path of Ruby in $:. In addition, several plugins assume that they are located in the Sketchup Plugin folder to compute path to files to be loaded. This is the case for my plugins in current versions (I am changing the strategy for my next versions however). The question of alternate directory for Pluginsis anyway very interesting, because: this allows to sahre plugins between different version of Sketchup (useful when we have SU6 and SU7, with pro and Free versions) on Windows Vista, you have to configure some security rules in order to copy and write to files loacted in the C:/Program Files(x86). in network configurations or in some offices, the access to the drive may simply be prohibited So using an alternate folder on a private drive gives a lot more flexibility. Technically, it is just a matter of respecting some programming rules. But, for users that are not able to write scripts, there must be some conventions for providing an esay configuration tool for Sketchup to tell where scripts are. This deserves reflection and I am sure that the community of Ruby scripters could come with a solution. Fredo
  • Doubt- I can not find plugins

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Hard to see from that small image. But it looks like to be the different Tool Windows in SketchUp. Making the windows do that require no plugin. Simply click the titlebar of the window and it'll fold up.
  • Hashing numbers

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    Actually nothing as changed with SU7. I simply thought that, because SU7 offers the feature to automatically split edges when intersecting, it could cause a probleme when you transform a model interactively. What I found out, is that his feature is a property of the Line tool. In Ruby, if you create an edge that happens to intersect another one, it is not 'cut'. Same when you transform via the method entities.transform_entities, for instance by scaling or moving. Otherwise just some clarifications on the differences between Object Reference and entityID for Sketchup entities. Object Reference is unique at a given time, but can change whenever the model changes. Sketchup may need to reconstruct geometry and alter the objects even if they remain the same visually in the model. So Object Reference should be used for scanning a selection in one pass, but not across modifications of the model. The most obvious case where this would be a problem is when you perform an Undo. EntityIDsurvives to changes of geometry in the model via transformation. If you scale an edge or a face, it will preserve its entityID. Same for Undo. However, it is good to keep in mind that for Components, entityID are attached to the Component DEFINITION, not to the instance. Which means that if you do a recursive test on a selection, you can come across the same entityID several times for different component instances. Indeed, you could keep track of the entityID of each of the Component Instances, which is unique by Instance. So, you may think that the hash key should then be a combination of the Instance ID and entityID. Wrong, because your instance may itself be embedded within a Component, which has itself several instances. OK, this looks complex, but remember that the problem exists only if you explore the model recursively, that is going 'inside' components. If you keep at one level, then both Object Reference and entityID are somehow unique at a given level. Fredo
  • Start_operation backward compatibility

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Thanks for the tip. I just made use of it and it's working good. Operation took abtou 2 minutes in SU6 while no more than 30 seconds in SU7.
  • Find/Select all Components & Component Browser

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    @alz said: Also, I thought I saw this somewhere awhile ago -- it was a Component Browser that acted like a Windows Browser (with back,forward,up,down,etc.). But I can't remember where I saw that. It isn't east with the current Component Browser to quickly navigate through several sub-directories. I typically have to pop back to the top and drill back down if I get lost. BTW, I remembered where I saw this: http://wiki.renderplus.com/index.php?title=Select_Component
  • Sketchybevel not working - help requested

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    OOPS!! Sorry for the post! I found out myself that you have to select the entire box. It is already mentioned about this in another long thread. I saw it just now. Sorry for the trouble. With best regards PRSS
  • Snapping

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    Thanks for your responses. I take the point about the axis and thought about that. It is a 'workable' alternative but there are a couple of issues: 1 - where components are downloaded the axis may not be in the correct place to work with ease. 2 - I am thinking about room design, and when placing components such as cabinets, it would be desirable to be able to place a new cabinet on the left or the right of a previouc one, but a component can only have one axis so could not be easily 'snapped' on either side. As far as the 'Snapping' tool is concerned, I'm not going mad after all - I found it. It's the 'Place Adjacent' item here http://wiki.renderplus.com/index.php?title=RpTools#Place_Adjacent. Shame it's not available on it's own
  • Ruby dev environment

    0 Votes
    10 Posts
    I find Notepad++ easy and nice. Here please find some files which makes ruby editing in Notepad++ easier. The ruby.xml goes to plugins/API folder and the stylers.xml goes into C:\Documents And Settings(users)\application support\notepad++ (or something like that... I wish I had windows right now). Further instructions in the notepad++ website. ruby.xml makes the autocompletion easy. Happy scripting!!! Notepad++ autoCompletion for ruby and Sketchup
