@fredo6 said:
For instance, if you pick interactively the nested component, the PickHelper will give you the chain of grouponents.
Expanding upon this use of the PickHelper class ...
This is using the Sketchup::PickHelper#path_at() method. It returns the instance path from the active entities context (for the given index in the list of pick paths.)
To get the full path, you will need to add the pick path to the model's active edit path (if it is not nil.)
edit_path = model.active_path ? model.active_path ; []
full_path = edit_path + pick_path
Then, you can use a little known method in the InstancePath class to get the transformation ...
ipath = Sketchup;;InstancePath.new(full_path)
trans = ipath.transformation
See: Sketchup::InstancePath#transformation