Thanks for sharing this.. it will be very useful in my work. By the way, I have a similar need, this time multi-face scale plugin, to scale a multiple polygon/faces in one go. Is this possible? My screenshot:
Thanks a lot!
RE: [Plugin] Scale and Rotate Multiple (UPDATED Dec 22, 09)
RE: Molding Profiles
Oh I too late? Can't download.. server is not working
Can anyone share again? Thanks!
Count / selection count
Hi guys, is there a way to count selected objects? For example: I have parking slots, (each slot is a component). When I select a part or the area containing these objects, an info feedback will return, something like "100 objects selected". For those familiar with CAD interface, it's the same found on command box.
RE: Multiple segment editor plugin
@tig said:
SketchUp Plugins | PluginStore | SketchUcation
SketchUp Plugin and Extension Store by SketchUcation provides free downloads of hundreds of SketchUp extensions and plugins
I tried it.. wow, this is amazing. I can set it endlessly, from high to low and vice versa
Thanks a lot!
RE: Multiple segment editor plugin
@tig said:
I've now incorporated this updated ArcCurveTests.rb in the 'segemnt-setting' tool's PluginStore RBZ for the tool, as it works 'backwards' down to v7...
Thanks a lot for looking at this post and sharing your time generously for another good plugin, what's the specific plug in name again? Thanks, cheers!
RE: Multiple segment editor plugin
@mitcorb said:
I am sure you are familiar with Fredo6's Bezier Spline suite.
Thanks for the reply. Yes I have that one and it's very useful. However, like what you mentioned, it doesn't have the option that I'm currently looking for. Thanks again for the suggestion.
Multiple segment editor plugin
Hi, I'm curious if we have a plug in where the user can select multiple arc or circles and specify its segments at once?
The native sketchup only allows one edit per selection via entity info (segments). The problem with this is the time factor, say if there's 20 circles or arcs- it would be better (IMHO) if the user can select them all and then specify the segments he wanted instead of selecting and editing one by one.
Thanks! -
RE: Method for circular or radial railing- help please.
@cotty said:
The plugin follow me and keep should help in this case...
Thanks, I'll give it a try.
It works great.. amazing plugin. Thanks for pointing me to it. Cheers!
Method for circular or radial railing- help please.
Hi, i'm having a hard time in making circular or radial railing as shown on screenshot below. After I created the path and used follow me, the object appears to be twisted instead of aligning it self parallel to ground. Any workflow suggestions? I appreciate your help, Thanks!
RE: Align texture to axis plugin
Thanks for the reply, looks interesting. I'll give them a try.
By the way, I updated my post with added option 2 alternative- the tick box, though I'm not sure if that's easy to add because it's Sketchup's interface already. -
Align texture to axis plugin
Hi everyone, is there a plugin that will:
[Concept 1]:
Enable me to quickly align texture to my new specified axis? I work with landscape design plans with so much paving textures involved.. The texture rotate / re-size is helping me a lot. (for orientation purposes and correct paving dimension.)To skip the texture rotate part- what I'm thinking is- I will specify my axis on correct orientation and then use the "align texture to axis" plugin that will then quickly position itself according to the active axis... is that possible?
After rotating, I'll just use a texture scale plugin separately. But at this moment, the rotating part is what I want to deal with.[Concept 2]:
And if the above won't work, I'm thinking of the second option, a more simple one- the tick box during import.Thanks!
Concept 1:
Concept 2:
RE: Plug in Kill Switch
@tig said:
It's a simple change from the
type fromMB_YESNO
and then adjust the checks for the three cases of Yes[6], No[7] and Cancel [i.e. anything else]......; else; return nil;
If the script's file is editable it's any easy tweak...Hi TIG, I'l try this, what program can you use to edit a ruby script?
RE: Plug in Kill Switch
@thomthom said:
No such plugin possible. But you could just press the N key - which triggers the No button. Keep it pressed until all dialogs are done.
And contact the author of the plugin.Thanks, unfortunately the problem with this dialogue is this: "yes" means it will prompt you this box per scene export, and "no" will not prompt any (background saving). Accessing this plugin box by mistake will surely put one in a stalemate
Thanks for the reply, I hope they can add a cancel button. I also use Smustard scene exporter Pro alongside with this, but only for selected scenes. -
Plug in Kill Switch
Hi, is there a plugin that act like a "kill switch" (Can't think of any word) that can cancel or stop a certain process? I always use the plugin called "export scene to JPG". It's amazing and so useful, but the downside: it lacks "cancel" button (See screen shot below). One time, I selected by mistake the "export scene to JPG" from view drop down menu and I wasn't able to stop it. I have 400 scenes already so I ended up to traditional Ctrl+Alt+Del, end task. Loosing to save my work. I know this is a human error. My bad. I just wonder a kill switch might be useful-OR if the plug in developer can add a "cancel" button (please) that's even better
Thanks! -
RE: Menu Options Keeps Graying Out!
@dukejazz said:
These 8 rules may help
I noticed that this thread is year old (Feb 2012).. I got the same problems right now. Do we have a more updated solution? Otherwise, I'll just try these suggestions above. Thanks!
RE: Get SketchUp 8 to automatically save as SU-7 ?
@jim said:
I could make a little plugin that uses VisualBasic Script to open the Save As dialog and select version 7. It would at least take some of the tedium out of it.
(I'm already testing it. Windows-only, I'm afraid.)
Is this possible with 2013? I'm getting a 2013 version, but my co workers use v.8.0 pro. I'm afraid they won't be able to open it. I hope the developers will consider this option.. like in AutoCAD, you can set what default version to save as.
RE: Scene manager plugin?
@renderiza said:
You might want to have a look at [Re]Scene ...
Looks amazing, thanks!
RE: Scene manager plugin?
@krisidious said:
go to the scene manager window and then use the shift key to select multiple scene tabs and edit their properties.
I know it's counter intuitive, but if you turn off save shadow settings, then go to one scene and turn on shadows, I believe all the scenes will then have shadows.
Ok I'll try this. thanks!
Undo for scene tabs
I noticed that after deleting, updating or adding a scene by mistake- it can't be undone.. have anyone noticed this?
Thanks -
Scene manager plugin?
Is there a fast technique or a plugin to activate "use sun for shading" for all the scenes? I already saved 60 scenes but I was so forgetful that I failed to tick the "use sun for shading option". Something like a scene manager plugin that can quickly change:
- sun shading option (my priority right now)
(in the future I might also tweak the following):
- shadows
- Rename scenes