@krisidious said:
Why do you flatten the geometry?
Now about that geometry... are you getting 3d topographical maps? point data? could you give us a sample?
Thanks for the reply Krisidious, I'll try those scripts that you mentioned. About geometry, I'm only using 2D CAD plans. I'll attach a screenshot below. It shows the progress right after I applied the flatten plugin. For the plan's scale, the tree you see is about 6 Meters in diameter. You'll notice that I still got a long way to go, to close in the lines to form faces.
I need these faces so I can model and texture the site. For the past two years, this has always been my bottle neck part. The vertical components like trees, pole lights, bollards, etc. are easily prepared through CAD blocks. It's just the main surface or should I say "platform" that takes a lot of time.
I'm open to any suggestion to change my workflow if that would improve the speed. Right now, I'm currently geared into 1. Create faces 2. Model 3. Texture.