Thanks a lot!
Offset Array plug in
I love the copy and divide array function of sketchup as combined with value control box. The programmers did an amazing job with this. I'm thinking of possibility of applying the concept with offset command.
Scenario: Example I have circle/arc, I offset outside by 1 meter and then type *8. or /8 on value control box so I don't have to create circles and measure one by one.
Is this possible? Or maybe there's an existing plugin already, can you please direct me to that, thanks!
RE: Joint Offset and Joint group Plugin request
@cotty said:
@onzki said:
PS: How can I hyperlink "Protrude" word without showing the entire link? Thanks!
> [url=]Protude[/url] >
will be shown as Protude
RE: Joint Offset and Joint group Plugin request
@cotty said:
Something like Multi face offset?
Thank you for pointing me to this direction.. I'll try it. And I saw on that thread
about Protrude as well. Now I'll try both. It's like hitting 2 birds with one stone, thanks a bunch.PS: How can I hyperlink "Protrude" word without showing the entire link? Thanks!
RE: Shortcut for component edit
@thomthom said:
Can you share this file?
As for assigning shortcuts for the checkboxes in your screenshot:
[attachment=0:3kiovv5i]<!-- ia0 -->2013-05-22_12h28_20.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:3kiovv5i]
But you say "shortcut for Component Edit" - that implies a shortcut to open a component for editing - that is not what you want?Thanks thomthom, I will try this first. I didn't see this one even on shortcuts menu.. if this has same function as the tick box toggle I mentioned above, then this solves my problem. Thanks a bunch.
PS: as for attaching the file, sorry I can't due to it's file size (more than 180MB).
Joint Offset and Joint group Plugin request
Hi, one of my favorite plugin is Joint Push and Pull.. it's amazing. Now, I'm thinking, is there a similar plugin where you can Joint "offset / Inset" and also Joint "group". I'm creating something like a radial grid with many divisions (image below).. that I must inset each by some value, say 10mm. Right now, I'm doing it piece by piece.. grouping each first and the inset each. Thanks for the help
Shortcut for component edit
Hi, I'm looking for a shortcut or plugin to switch component edit. (image shown below). I have a file with a "bug" that always turns On (checked) the boxes.. no matter how many times I unchecked it.. and save the file, it reverts automatically to being checked. This happened only on one specific file, so I assume it's a bug. Anyway, right now, the easiest way for me to get through this is to find the shortcut / ruby that is capable of switching the tick box.
I appreciate your help, thanks! -
Import native 3D s max file (.max) to Sketchup
Hi, I've been searching for a long time for this but I can't find a plugin to import native .max to Sketchup. Just like the free .dwg importer bundled in Sketchup 8 Pro that works without a glitch. Can you help me find a plug in, even if it's a bit pricey, as long as it works well I'll get it.
(.3DS not working)
The problem is when my client provide us with a .3ds format- most Sketchup from different PC that I tried, all crashed from the start. That's why I'm hoping that if it's native .max, maybe it'll work.Thanks a lot!
RE: Clean screen or full screen mode for sketchup
@dave r said:
Post moved from the LayOut forum since it has nothing to do with LayOut.
Thanks for letting me know. What's the new location? Kindly transfer it to necessary topic.
RE: Places menu modification
@tig said:
Drag and drop selected folders from the right-hand main-pane into the side-bar that you showed..
Thanks, I tried it but it didn't work. I'm using windows 7.
Clean screen or full screen mode for sketchup
Hi, I would like to ask if there's a "full screen" script or command for Sketchup similar to clean screen of AutoCAD (Pressing Ctrl+0 hides all icons). I always use keyboard shortcut in Sketchup, so I can now work in full screen mode.. although sometimes, when I forget a certain shortcut, I use the icons again.
Places menu modification
Hi, I would like to modify this places menu (shown below) particularly in Sketchup program. Though later on I will do the same with the rest of my programs.
Can anyone teach me how. Thanks -
RE: I7-3960x Sketchup experience-Anybody?
For those who have read this and curious about using dual graphic cards, the thread link below is also a good reference. -
RE: I7-3960x Sketchup experience-Anybody?
@solo said:
You are great the way you have it if it's only for SU, dual cards have no added value.
Thanks Solo. You saved me a big 500$
RE: I7-3960x Sketchup experience-Anybody?
@solo said:
@unknownuser said:
Although my video card will be a GTX660, my old one is Quadro 4000.
If it's a 3gb 660 then it is not a downgrade in fact it's a huge upgrade
Thanks Solo. Right now on my specs is only single 1.50GB GTX660 video card, is this okay? I inquired with Dell here but- the 3GB option if possible only if I upgrade to dual video card configuration, both having 1.50GB- for additinal about 500USD. Is it worth spending with dual graphic card for sketchup? If it's a big performance updrade, I don't mind getting it. Thanks for the advise.
RE: I7-3960x Sketchup experience-Anybody?
@numerobis said:
@onzki said:
I'll use it extensively in landscape design, doing detailed master plan models.
Only sketchup or rendering too?
Thanks a lot for the details, I'll be using it only for Sketchup, without rendering plugins.. and I don't even activate the shadows because my boss is fine without it, (he's biased with quicker result)
RE: I7-3960x Sketchup experience-Anybody?
@escapeartist said:
Have an i7 system and give it a solid thumbs up, especially when coupled with the OS loaded on an SSD. Day-to-day operations don't really show a lot of difference (like opening a browser or something), but where it really shines is multitasking and rendering (video, apps like Thea, photoshop). I rendered video, used Sketchup, ripped a DVD and browsed the web on the side. It consumed 16GB of memory and the i7 didn't even care.
wow, that's amazing. Glad to know I'm on right path. My system will have 16GB and SSD also. Although my video card will be a GTX660, my old one is Quadro 4000. I hope the video card downgrade won't decrease the performance. Thanks!
I7-3960x Sketchup experience-Anybody?
Hi, I'm planning to replace my Dell workstation, Xeon X5690 (16 months old pc) with new i7-3960x Alienware set up. I like how my current Xeon performed until today but my boss wants me to give it my another colleague, so I can get a more powerful one. (Sadly, I need to stick with Dell products only per company policy). I can actually get a Xeon E2665, costing around $1,000 more than the i7. However I'm willing to venture to i7's since it's cheaper and SU currently does not benefit from multicore processors anyway.
Any good testimonials for i7 CPU? I'll use it extensively in landscape design, doing detailed master plan models.
Thanks! -
RE: [Plugin] Edge Tools
This is an amazing tool. Thanks so much it's very useful. I like the concept of curve simplification.. However, forgive my out of the world request, is it also possible to have a way to make curves smoother- meaning an option to add segments rather than reduce. I know it sounds crazy but there are times when most of my CAD import are roughly segmented like the one shown on screenshot.
RE: Plugin to quickly close (make faces) the imported CAD lines
@krisidious said:
Blocks and Layers... are you exploding the entire autocad file once imported in SU?
Most of the repeating elements such as trees and lighting are already in blocks. I'm just wondering why closed polylines in CAD isn't automatically converted into faces after import. Because of this, I still have to find and connect faces for most of areas that's why I looked for such plugin. Thanks for your suggestions.