Plug in Kill Switch
Hi, is there a plugin that act like a "kill switch" (Can't think of any word) that can cancel or stop a certain process? I always use the plugin called "export scene to JPG". It's amazing and so useful, but the downside: it lacks "cancel" button (See screen shot below). One time, I selected by mistake the "export scene to JPG" from view drop down menu and I wasn't able to stop it. I have 400 scenes already so I ended up to traditional Ctrl+Alt+Del, end task. Loosing to save my work. I know this is a human error. My bad. I just wonder a kill switch might be useful-OR if the plug in developer can add a "cancel" button (please) that's even better
Thanks! -
No such plugin possible. But you could just press the N key - which triggers the No button. Keep it pressed until all dialogs are done.
And contact the author of the plugin. -
@thomthom said:
No such plugin possible. But you could just press the N key - which triggers the No button. Keep it pressed until all dialogs are done.
And contact the author of the plugin.Thanks, unfortunately the problem with this dialogue is this: "yes" means it will prompt you this box per scene export, and "no" will not prompt any (background saving). Accessing this plugin box by mistake will surely put one in a stalemate
Thanks for the reply, I hope they can add a cancel button. I also use Smustard scene exporter Pro alongside with this, but only for selected scenes. -
It's a simple change from the
type fromMB_YESNO
and then adjust the checks for the three cases of Yes[6], No[7] and Cancel [i.e. anything else]......; else; return nil;
If the script's file is editable it's any easy tweak... -
I'll just chime in here since you two are already in this thread, I know you say it can't be done, but if it could people would kiss your rings.
The number of times I have done something stupid before activating a plugin, a recent FAK where I had selected a very long path and very detailed profile which leaves the thing chugging away for don't want to crash out of it because you have naturally not saved some of the most intricate changes...argh....user error I know but.....a big emergency stop button would be so handy when you've caught your nuts in the wringer.
Problem is that there is no mechanism in the API that allows you to interrupt an operation. WEll, you can use a timer to slice up the operation, that will give you a chance to cancel - that's what Fredo does. But it makes the total operation time many times longer - so long that I find it doing more harm than good.
@tig said:
It's a simple change from the
type fromMB_YESNO
and then adjust the checks for the three cases of Yes[6], No[7] and Cancel [i.e. anything else]......; else; return nil;
If the script's file is editable it's any easy tweak...Hi TIG, I'l try this, what program can you use to edit a ruby script?
A plain text editor: notepad.exe, Notepad++, Sublime, gedit, TextEdit…
A plain-text editor works on most .rb files.
Rarely they are 'packed' and can't be 'read-by-humans'.
You know as there'll be nothing to read that makes sense at all !
Never use a wordprocessor - that will add formating to the file and stop SketchUp reading it properly.
BUT if it's a .rbs file it is complied/encrypted and cannot be manually edited...