I question if the SSD will do as much as you want. I use one in may machine and of course opening, saving should be quicker but normally the drive should not see a lots of use unless the model load is so large the paging file needs to be used , but it looks like you have more than enough memory. My working memory sets and private bites usually in low to mid MB range and CPU usage and memory in the 25% range. I do not render however.
RE: Too many instances?
RE: Bend Structers
@newnoob said:
Nope, sadly neither the video nor moving everything in the positive quadrant has helped, still the same s***.
I use "SU Pro 2013 Version 13.0.3689",I've downloaded the plugin from this source and installed it Window>Preferences>Extensions
Why not post your model? That eliminates lots of guessing.
RE: Too many instances?
@airwindsolar said:
@rich o brien said:
Good CPU and GPU with adequate RAM.
If it's a laptop you should get a dedicated nVidia GPU.
I'll be switching from the dual core 2.66GHz laptop with 4G RAM to a quad core 3.6GHz desktop with (initially) 8G RAM and a Radeon with 2G VRAM, so hopefully that will help. Need to talk the boss into adding a fair size SSD to it soon, too.
I know part of the problem is the other stuff I pretty much always have open, so maybe having a couple more cores and stuffing more memory in there will get it all reasonable.
Since you have( or will have) 8GB of RAM I assume you have a 64 bit machine. Some things you should know. SU runs as a 32 bit application and uses only a single core, RAM in devices subtracts from that available. Since Su runs as 32 bits it can only address 4 GB of the RAM. If you have a 32 bit OS, which I doubt ref above, the kernel and the application split the ARM equally and you would only have 2GB for the application.
As you can see it is very important when you post a question you include all info. I have given up doing the search for folks , it is your problem so some effort is required.
It would also help if post a copy of your model if possible. It sounds like it is not very complex and should not be very big. Also have you done any model approach to help like using layers for visibility control and monochrome redndering during work to reduce load on the present graphics you have? -
RE: Wrapping textures never quite works!!
Making solution difficult, see the tutorial by Gaieus I ref above
RE: Importing Objects
@garystan said:
mac1 :
Here's the site I tried. The objects are "supposed" to be in .3ds format. But, SU8 can't open them. **[highlight=#ff0040:23ru742f]www.archibase.net[/highlight:23ru742f]** garystan
The chances of me selecting the one ( s) you tried is slim to none. Can you be more specific?
RE: SketchUp 2015 Wishlist
@halroach said:
- I wish there were a way to see the file sizes of components within the component browser.
It happens that you load a component into a model, only too late to remember that it's way too heavy for the specific model you're working on. Or that you need to calculate what the maximum of trees cars and people you can put into a model...
It would be nice to see a little indication of how many or Mb or k each component is... preferably as part of the 'large thumbnails' view, which I find that I use most often.
It would be nice to be able to select a bunch of components all at once in the component browser... if for checking how big they are... or for deleting a bunch... you know, as the name infers... it should act as a browser, just like windows explorer where you can select a list with SHIFT or specific components with CTRL...
FYI: I use save as collection some times to get that info, you can open a particular component, edit( Like edge decimation) it, save, use the outliner to select that in model, then the component browser to replaced selected with the edited component. Just did that to day and reduced mode size by about 35 MB quickly. Got about ten more to go with 100 + MB reduction target=> no redrawing of component model!
RE: Importing Objects
FYI: My version of SU 8 free shows 3ds importer, post URL and I'll give it a try from the site.
RE: FluidImporter free .obj importer Beta 1.0.5 Updated
Comments on Install for PC;
- The fluid importer web site states the free version is for SU 7 &8;
- Web site also states for those the windows version is 7 and 8
- The file for download is a zip file;
- Check properties of the zip file and you will note it has an unblock option. For zip files if you extract first then each file must be unblocked but if you unblock the zip file first before extraction all files will be unblocked at once;
- The extracted exe file installs in the program (x86)/importer directory not the plugin directory?
RE: SKP file association gone
@pixero said:
I've tried this also but it won't work.
I believe Mystic Thumb has taken control over the skp format.Have you tried default programs from the start menu. It is different for different version of windows?
RE: Who said SketchUp doesn't need to be 64 bit?
- I have not seen one specific example of model presented showing the problem. I do not mean just the skp file, but all the other settings along with data on the target system showing RAM usage, processes running etc, what graphics, graphics memory and etc. There are many permutation and combinations that can contribute and until the problem is understood I am sure the developers feel they are in a undefined box.
- For the windows users there are many resources available but you have to be willing to take advantage of them. Many of these are same Microsoft uses in their resolution of problems.
- Those who think Trimble should have a nice road map of long range plans are not living in the real world, that info is usually closely help and you will not see any specific detail unless you are a level 2 manager or higher. Those many times will be in 3 to five year long range plans. Reading the base camp notes they have and the scan explorer, ruby begugger etc. release should give one some sense of what those are. With the statement they are staffing up the question in my mind is for what?
- For those rejecting off hand the thoughts John B and Andrew give makes one wonder why you are not working at MS or some other development company. They may not give the answer you want to hear but have the info base you should at least listen too. IMHO they are missing the boat not making better use of the employee badged folks showing on the forum to help answering some issues ,but that goes back to long range plan and man power use. IMHO I would think say a web type conference with a select user set often vs the 2 year base camp show and tell could help to establish what their long range plans should be or even what near term fixes are required.
RE: Who said SketchUp doesn't need to be 64 bit?
@pixero said:
Wow, this thread has really taken off.
A worrying thing is that it seems they haven't even started converting to 64 bit to future proof SU.If it isn't then please tell us what the bottleneck is and fix it.
By the way, how many developers are they? Does anyone know?
Those of you who were at Basecamp maybe have a clue.<I don't know but looking at some of the info they posted on basecamp and the new release of scan explorerI can only conclude their main focus has been support of other effort.
Is there anyway to run some diagnostics in the background that if SU runs out of memory makes a dump of all running processes and memory used at that point?
When these crashes appeared I didn't get a bugsplat I simply got that popup and another with "The application has unexpectedly closed". And it was gone. -
RE: Who said SketchUp doesn't need to be 64 bit?
Want do you expect to hear from Andrew? Most of all the post I have read are basically saying we want more. How does one plan/design to some thing like that?
Three man years to convert in my experience base is nothing. I've seen much more than that on just validation of models we built using industry standard software. Usually as a manager when you ask for changes you find folks think they are always operating at the optimum point. Their cost/schedule curve is U shaped and at any point in time they are operating at the min. point. Changes start with long range plans, convincing management to allocate company resources and then IRAD work to support the long range plan. What is in Trimble's plans I have no idea and I don't even know if they are publically trade so one could even try and find out ( They hide things like that any way)
The developers are also constrained to operate within the context of the hardware and software(OS) available to them and is the resource I was addressing. My sense is most users would be happy with a 64 bit system with 16GB RAM. However, I have seen posting in this forum folks have dual monitor system with such large graphics memory they were throwing away RAM gained when 64 bit windows came out by allocations required for their drivers.I have many more concerns / comments but given I am a free user do not have standing to make them. Waiting on paying users to make their voice heard.
RE: Who said SketchUp doesn't need to be 64 bit?
Open question to all the 64 bit band wagon posters herein:
Tell me where you can buy a fully compliant 64 bit system now and if not now when will they be available?
Oops you can not Now why is that??
A hint => You must be able to address that much memory and that size system does not exist and MS limits through SKU OS versions max memory because they can not even test such a large system.
Open comment to Andrew=> SU does not allocate memory and in fact cannot even touch it. It can request memory but only the OS actually allocates physical memory.
So the bottom line is:" You need 64 bits and how much memory do you need with that??" -
RE: Final SketchUp File Size Too Large
Have you tried purging your model, widows, model info, statistics, and purge. Make sure you have nested selected. When Su starts to run out of memory during like orbit etc it changes the rendering mode to wireframe to reduce that load and try to speed frame rate up.
That file size is not that bad and with todays machines, graphics, RAM I would think you should not have very much trouble. Post what you set up is. Make max use of layers, scenes , components and monochrome rendering mode to help reduce rendering load on your graphics during modeling, turning transparency off may also help.
DO you have hardware acceleration on, use max texture off?
Can you or willing to post your model. You'll have to use drop box, drive or one of the other file sharing sites. -
RE: Issue rotating to fit
Sorry I did not make my self very clear;
1)The dimension is 852 ft not 852 inches. It was just some extraneous geometry in the model that far off axis that would affect when you do a zoom extents;
2) The two windows in my last model are not the same. I will very seldom do a complete model for folks because I want them to learn by doing. The only reason for those two was to show how easy it is to make windows to you initial requirements;
3) Mirroring will not work because as the name implies the windows must have a plane of symmetry to mirror and the layout does not;
4) Using the architectural units is not very good model practice IMHO when working this type of problem. It does not give you enough display resolution to see when small errors are present. That is the reason I recommended decimal, with at least 3 places;
5) The picture of the spider is not what I had in mind. At the very top where all "parts" come together I think there some type of metical part to tie all parts together. Some what like you see on a geodesic dome, spider maybe not the correct word?
6) The approach I outlined to you makes drawing the windows very easy. You should try it.
All you have to do is two offsets of 1/2" each and then push pull [b]up 1" and 1 1/2" to make 1/2 frame and then repeat for other side, then add glass and you are done! [/b]The only down side is they will all be unique and number of detail drawings will have to made for a builder. Of course the drawing is just the first step. Static and dynamic analysis needs to be done. Where I worked we usually require a margin of safety of 2.5 at start and then reduce that down to 1.25 to 1.5 usually for final engineering release.
7)The rect. grid is as shown below by pabcot except I was thinking horizontal vs vertical and think that would allow you to work in the triangle at top.
8)[b] My discussion about replacing components was related as follows:
If I make a component of say the bottom left triangle< note I did not say frame> and the repeat that for the bottom right triangle> I can then very easily replace the right one with the left at the correct orientation and scale by setting the correct axis reference on the component and the model. There will be no manual rotation required, Su does that automatically as well as the scaling. The model issue did not let me do that.:shock:
9) Diff results=> I was trying to relate the sequence of axis translation and rotation can give different results depending on the sequence done and you should not let rendering be a driver in your design decisions, model using monochrome, do not use large photo image textures and keep ploy count down if possible (ie no circles with 100 vertices etc). SU moel can many times be made several different ways so when you have problems look for different approach or ask for early help so you don't get beyond point of no return , but that happens to some of us
[/b]Note that some of comments are based on my lack of knowledge. I don't know if you are doing a real design or just a concept drawing. -
RE: Who said SketchUp doesn't need to be 64 bit?
@airwindsolar said:
@jeff hammond said:
up to now, the stance is pretty much "if you want sketchup to be 64bit then too bad"
You forgot the part about "shut up and give us money annually for ignoring you. If we're feeling really generous, we'll give you a little tiny bit of what you paid for in the first place, eventually."
You need to change your profile license type shows free??
RE: Who said SketchUp doesn't need to be 64 bit?
@pixero said:
Wow, cool down a bit.
I'm sure you haven't missed the long wishes for SU to be able to handle more complex scenes versus Trimbles "Why do you need 64bit? SketchUp doesn't run out of memory."
For me I t was just a funny thing seeing that popup clearly stating that SU in fact did run out of memory.
As has happened to me before.
I really don't care if SU is 64 bit or not.
What I do care about is SU in its current state not being able to handle normal projects without lots of workarounds.Maybe this should have been posted in the corner bar.
I agree and only point I was trying to make, and not very well , is the SU report maybe pointing to something different. All it may be saying is I(SU) asked for some memory but did not get it There are many different flavors( in terms of priority of the request) of memory a program can ask for and just saying it does not get what was requested does not mean it needs 64 bits.
BTW even if SU was given 64 bits and the others listed here does not mean they did or can run regression test to prove their system. If you look at some of the SKU limits Microsoft puts on some of their releases most do not even come close to the 64 bit terra bite limit . The reason was my understanding they do not have the test capability to adequately test such a large system and showing a big long list of those who claim 64 may be misleading although I have not done search recently.
In addition many users have been operating with systems bigger than 32 bits for a long time and never once have I seen a posting about that issue. Font side bus on some mother boards have operated above the 32 bit and only get throttled down at the memory interface. -
RE: Who said SketchUp doesn't need to be 64 bit?
@pixero said:
Today I got the proof and I have an image to prove it.
SketchUp ran out of memory.
[attachment=0:1tqxuufl]<!-- ia0 -->SUoutofmemory.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1tqxuufl]Nuf said.
Do you have any idea what SU really needs vs just throwing out a number?;
Do you know how many auto runs you are running?;
Do you know what processes were at the time?;
Do you know the memory manager does not allow any app( except in very special cases) to have direct access to memory? It is like a DMA approach ( or was have not checked on W7 ) and is only allocated in chunks called working sets based on other users. Maybe it is not a SU issue but a memory manager issue and I would think Trimble would be asking some help form MS, defrag or who ever if it is.
From above posting what is Trimble / MS doing if anything? -
RE: Issue rotating to fit
GS sample1_8A..skpGS sample1_8A..skpAttached is a approach that does not use rotate nor scale but just offset tool and the push pull.
Several additional comments; One snippet of geo 852' off set from main model deleted; architectural units display precision is not adequate for accurate modeling IMHO so changed to decimal;
Su has the native capability of replacing one component with another and the replacement is added to model in accordance with how the new component and model axis are set.Both of those can be independently set plus the gluing plane can be set. This can allow the use of one component definition for all the lite's if model conditions are correct. (This is based on the fact component definition is invariant under scaling, rotation, moving but for the reason above this condition could not be meet.(The roof base triangles are not equilateral)
The attached portion of the model was simply done using the same Lite layout as the OP model and then the window frames will be created by a combination of off-setting to the required OP frame dimensions and the push pull to the required depth / height.
Double glazed lite's are required but only one side was done. IMHO a spider at top is still required to make the design reasonable as noted above.